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Emily's POV

"Ali, can we talk?" My voice is low because I'm scared of what her answer will be. What if she stops liking me because I'm not willing to sleep with her? I don't want to lose her just because I'm not ready but she needs to know.

"Of course." She pauses the movie that we are watching and turns to me. "You can talk to me about anything." She rests her hand my thigh, encouraging me to tell her. I have to tell her. 

"I need to tell you something and I-I don't want it to change your feelings toward me." A tear slides down my cheek just thinking about the thought of Alison not liking me anymore. 

"Em, my feelings could never change toward you. I promise." She grabs my right hand and intertwines it with her left. I give her a small smile. I hope she's right.

"I- I'm not ready to do things with you yet. I thought I was but I'm not and I don't know when I'm going to be. I don't want to lose you over something stupid because I really like y-." Alison cuts me off by pressing her lips softly against mine. She pulls away and gives me a small smile.

"Emily, I don't want to rush you into something that you're not ready for. I'm willing to wait." She gives me one more kiss and then pulls me to her side.

"Are you sure?" I want to be one-hundred percent sure. I don't want her saying that just because she thinks she has to. 

"I'm positive. You're worth the wait." She kisses the side of my head, making my heart leap into my mouth. I snuggle in closer to Ali and close my eyes, enjoying the warmth of her skin against mine. 


"See, I told you, you had nothing worry about," Aria tells me as we walk down the hallway of the school. 

"About what?" Hanna furrows her eyebrows, confused as to what we are talking about.

"Em wasn't ready to sleep with Alison so she talked to her about it." Aria says in a low voice so no one can hear. Hanna's mouth forms an 'O' shape.  

"I'll see you guys at lunch?" Both of the girls nod before heading off to History. Their lucky they have classes together. I only have a few classes with them. 

I walk into English and plop down on to the chair. Tonight is going to suck but at the same time, it's going to be good. I get to see my dad tonight for the first time after two weeks. Sadly, I won't get to spend time with Alison like I normally do. 

We won't be able to cuddle on the couch together and watch movies. I can't flirt with her openly whenever my dad is around. I can't kiss her or touch her. I can't even stare at her for too long because my dad will get suspicious. 

I can't do anything and it frustrates me to no end. Because I don't know if I can handle being in the same room as her without wanting to touch her.

"Hi." I look up to see Paige staring down at me with a smile. I give her a small one back because this is the first time she has tried to talk to me. I only know her because Hanna doesn't like her for some reason. She never told me the reason.

"Um, hey." Well, this is awkward. She sits down beside me and continues to stare at me with a smile. "D-Did you want something?" I raise my eyebrow at her. She's starting to creep me out.

"I wanted to see if you wanted to hang out today after school." 


"I can't tonight." It isn't a lie but it's mostly because I don't want to. I don't know her and all of a sudden she shows interest in me? "My dad is coming home and he wants me there for when he gets there." She nods her head and looks down. Rejection evident on her face.

My Dad's GirlfriendWhere stories live. Discover now