Chris x Intern Reader

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Takes place during Pahkitew island And you're the same age as Chris

You are an intern working for the Famous Chris Mc lean but you have developed a Friendship with the host unaware that you both have feelings for each other. Happens during the Episode mo money mo problems.    

3rd Point of View

It was a normal day for Y/n at Pahkitew Island as she started to wake up early and started her daily routine which was get up, get dressed and went outside to see Chef to help him out for today's challenge but before she did she checked that her hair was presentable then headed out unaware of the camera's following her every move.

As you looked around for Chef Y/n could see the contestants just doing there normal thing before the challenge even started most of the contestants waved to her and she waved back as y/n was the only nice intern that was kind to them well not all of them Topher immediately noticed her and just as he was about to talk to you Chef came up to Y/n with a large crate and pushed Her far away from Topher and over to the host himself along with a suspicious looking crate.

Time Skip

As Chris was starting the challenge Y/n was standing next to Chef as he wanted her help to get the crate opened and as Chris was talking she could clearly see Topher trying to flirt with her so she calmly walked up to him and smacked him in the back of the head and went back to trying to open the crate with Chef

Chris: *Laughs* "Nice work Y/n Topher don't flirt with the interns"

She smiles at Chris and she successfully opens the crate to find two monkeys in them immediately climbing on her and refusing to let go Y/n chuckles to herself as she tries to remove the monkeys off her not knowing that Chris and Topher are both giving her the dreamy eyes before Chris goes back to explaining the challenge.   

Chris: "I'm giving these gold coins to Alphonse and Betty here who are now going to run away"

but one of them refused to be apart from Y/n so she decided to do something

Y/n: "Right me and this monkey will work together have fun catching me everyone"

As she ran Chris looked shocked that she would do this but she actually looked hot when she took charge so he started the Challenge hoping to get rid of Topher.

Chris Point of View

When the campers finally left in search of their coins I immediately go to my big TV screen to try and find Y/n she was the only sane one on this Island I soon noticed Y/n and her monkey on top of a tree and I was immediately intrigued

Y/n on screen: "Right do you want to trade coins I'll give you this nicer one for that golden one"

The Monkey agreed with her and then ran off with the fake coin Chef was looking at me funny as my Jaw dropped

Me: "Why didn't I think of that!!"

Chef: "Because you're in LOVE!!!!"

I was immediately shocked and thought about it for a second then it hit me the way she smiled and helped others , the way she ignored Topher I knew I had a crush on her I sat up to try and find her on the cameras

3rd Point of View

Y/n has successfully switched the coins around and is just taking a stroll in the woods as she hears the other team screaming her name she quickly hides up a tree and starts to laugh until she hears a voice that she hates more than anything.

Topher: "Hey Y/n Can you give us the coin"

She winks to the camera and proceeds to head back down much to Chris dismay until she says

Y/n: "Maybe but you have to go to the camera and say I will never get to host this show and Chris is the only one fit enough to host the show"

Topher looked extremely annoyed but everyone else was laughing at the poor boy who was walking up to the cameras and said it.

Topher: *Sighs* "I will never host this show"

Y/n: "And?"

Topher: "Chris is the only one fit enough to host the show"

Y/n: "Hmm Ok you can have the coin"

she hands them a coin until they realise it's not the right one

Y/n: "As a famous host once said Tune in next time hahaha"

She backflips and lands in several trees while Hearing Topher's screams and lands near where Chris and Chef are as they are both are laughing their heads off as she enters the clearing where Chef notices her and pushes Chris towards her and they share a look.

She gives the coin to Chris and before she leaves he brings her back and into a kiss which she accepts and in front of the cameras they look into each others eyes and kiss again as the campers cheer for them except for Topher of course.

The end

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