Duncan X Positive Reader X Mal

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This was requested by @OrangeSoda4.

In this story Mal and Duncan have both fallen in love with their Roommate Y/n and have agreed to protect and share her together before a guy tries to claim her as his one and only.

Mal's Point Of View
As i was enjoying my daily slumber i felt something gently nudging me awake as i opened my eyes to see my dark angel smiling at me as she ruffled my hair as i mockingly tried to fix it as she laughed and started to exit my room.

Y/n: "Rise and Shine Moody come on I made breakfast!"

I closed my door and got changed into my black hoodie and black jeans as I made my way to Y/n as she smiled at me before going to wake Duncan up as she ruffled my hair again as I nudged her shoulder before going to my amazing breakfast.

Okay I admit it I feel weird towards her which I soon realised this feeling was called Love. It made me feel funny but in a good way I think Duncan thought so too luckily we agreed to split our Dark Angel between us.

Duncan's Point Of View 
As i was enjoying my sleep i felt someone lightly shake me awake and i instantly knew who it was.

Y/n was always gentle with me in the mornings. I opened my eyes to be met with her gorgeous Green eyes as she ruffled my hair and helped me up.

Y/n: "Morning Dude come on get up I made breakfast for you guys!!" 

I rolled my eyes as I was about to go back to sleep until Y/n pushed me out of bed and ran outside as I quickly got changed and ran after her as she was laughing her head off along with Mal as i couldn't help but laugh along.

Y/n Point Of View
As we got into School we immediatly headed to the school libary to hand out before our lessons started but as me and the boys started to talk i felt we were being watched but i ignored it.

Mal and Duncan were having a conversation about the latest horror movie when this boy came up to us but kept his eyes on me.

I turned my head to face Duncan and Mal as they stopped talking and faced the boy as he kept his eyes on me and smiled at me.

??: "Hey you're Y/n right?"

Mal: "Who wants to know!"

Duncan: "Yeah why do you want to know!"

??: "Well I was just wondering if you want to hang out sometime!" 

I felt really uncomfortable mainly because one this dude is really creeping me out and second i have a crush on both Duncan and Mal they both are so cool and hot as well.

Me: "Well i'm sorry but i'm not seeing anyone at the minute sorry i got to go see you guys at lunch!"

I hugged Mal and Duncan at the same time before heading to my class not noticing the blush on both of their faces.

Duncan's Point Of View
Man that dude is creepy me and Mal have to keep an eye on this dude throughout the day. We made it through the day keeping an eye on him and trying to figure out why would he be interested in our dear angel which you may think is weird but I don't care about you judging us I mean come on!!! 

Time Skip

Y/n Point Of View
As i made my way to lunch the same dude as before kept following me as i sat down beside Duncan and Mal as they moved closer beside me as the same dude as before kept staring at me from far away.

Duncan: "Hey don't worry angel he won't get to you we'll protect you from that creep!"

Mal: "Yeah we'll beat him up if he tries to lay a hand on you no matter the consequences!!"

I smiled at the both of them as we continued to eat lunch and talked about the latest horror movies which we all enjoyed together.

When the day ended i was a bit on edge as we made our way back to our apartment until that dude came back with a bunch of flowers.

??: "Y/n will you please go out with me i promise i'll be the best boyfriend in your life and we'll get married and buy a house and...!"

Mal and Duncan both kissed me as i was in shock but with a blush on my face as I responded back as the dude dropped the flowers and tried to grab me but I punched him straight in the face as Mal and Duncan looked at me in disbelief. 

I smiled and raced to the Apartment with both of them calling my name as I laughed at the two of them and hid under Mal's bed as the two of them were searching for me.

Mal: "Oh Y/n where are you our Dark Angel!!"

I wanted to laugh but I covered it up but they must have heard me as they entered the room  and pulled me from the bed and into their arms as we all laughed until they kissed me again as they laughed at my blushing face yep I have the most amazing boyfriends ever!!!

The End!!!!!


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