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On Her Mind

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Chapter Six - On Her Mind


Rebekah whistled while eyeing the small basket in my hand the moment I stepped into the room.

"Boss presents?" She smirked.

I pressed my lips into a thin line to stop myself from laughing. "Yeah. And just so you know, I wasn't dreaming about him in the club. He was really there. And these," I pointed to the basket, "are probably to make up for being rude while hiring me."

"Sure." She smirked.

"Seriously, Rebekah. It's just chocolates. So relax. They're pretty expensive, but still."

Her smirk was wiped away and she raised a brow. "Nick Sinclair gave you chocolates?"


"Oh my God!" Her eyes grew big for a second.

"Why? What's wrong?"

"Nick and his chocolates live in a completely different dimension. He barely shares them with anyone."

"What?" I frowned.

"Trust me. If there's anything that manwhore is crazy about more than women, it's his sweets."


And then, another smirk formed on her lips. "You sure he's just playing boss?"

My mind couldn't help but go back to our encounter in the elevator. He'd been so close that I could easily shut my eyes and drown myself in his intoxicating aura.

Even if he was just playing with the emergency button, his action stirred something inside me.

Oh God! What is wrong with me?

I blinked when Rebekah cleared her throat.

"Uh—let's not think too much about it." With that, I headed straight for the bathroom, got out of my drenched clothes and changed into a pink t-shirt and black denims.

"Where are you going?" Rebekah asked when I stepped out of the bathroom.

"Coffee shop," I muttered.

"You still work there?" She frowned.

"Yeah. Why not?"

"Isn't Sinclair paying you?"

"He will, maybe. But it's only till his old assistant Penny comes back. Then I'll go back to interning at Mr. Andrews' and I won't have a real job until after graduation. So this coffee shop money is the only constant."

"But you must be so tired right now."

I shrugged. "No, I'm good."

"You know, Care," she got up from the bed and engulfed me in a bear hug, "you're the strongest woman I've ever known. Just know that this time will pass and you will be happy again."

She pulled back and gave me her brightest smile.

I gave her a small nod. "Thank you, but I'm just tired, Reb. Not in a shitty mood. I don't need a pep talk."

"Well," she frowned, "I'm PMSing, so suck it up."

Chuckling, I waved at her and walked out of the door, pondering over her words.

She said I'll be happy again.

I wanted to believe her but I knew better.

I'll never be the happy girl I used to be.

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