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Two months LATER


I can't lie. I've been hyped about my boy Daylin getting Kyra to sign to the label. He didn't know how much money this broad could bring in. Her singles were selling and even everyone overseas loved her too. And me being head of A&R, I couldn't say I wouldn't be happy to get to spend time with her. She was definitely a solid artist.

"Kyra, I need to talk to you for a sec, aight?"

"Ok Brandon, will it be quick? I have a meeting with Daylin and my manag-." I cut her off.

"Oh na, I cancelled that. We gotta discuss tour dates and I'm your manager now. So if you can come with me, I don't want my time wasted."

She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "Ok Brandon." We walked to my office. I made sure to walk behind her. I had to get a view of that ass. Once we got into my office, she hopped on one of my fur chaises and kicked her shoes off. I also had some fruit on one of my end tables she dug into.

"Okay, Kyra, this right here? Look, you getting too comfortable. I ain't Daylin so don't come up in my office tryna make yourself at home, capiche?"I sat down in my office chair and gave her the death glare.

"Brandon, what's this really about huh?" she glared at me. "You jealous or something? Every since I got to the label. And I'm sayin' from day one you been treating me like I'm just a random broad on the street! And I clearly don't appreciate it. The fuck is your pro-,"

I cut her off again. "First off, Ms. Think you the shit, I have no problems witchu. Jealous? nah, neva that. We here to get you and me this paper." I looked down at my phone texting some bitch in my phone. "Secondly, watch your mouth, lastly, this me. And you gonna have to deal with it. NOW let's get to this work." I looked back up at her and noticed she was biting her lower lip. Fine ass. Just beautiful.

 Just beautiful

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"Ok Brandon. I'm sorry." She looked at me biting that damn lip of hers. I couldn't even focus right. I cleared my throat and began telling her of my plans for her and record sales goals. After the meeting was over I saw her out my office. I low-key gave her my card with my cell number on it even though I know she might not use it. Then Daylin swole ass walked in right after her.

"So how did the meeting go bro?" he asked me.

"Great, she's on board with the company's goal. But bruh.. Howwwww mannn? She fine as hell. I'm surprised you haven't fucked her yet. I couldn't do it, man." I said laughing. I continued. "I would tear her pussy all-." He cut me off and gave me the death stare I was giving to Kyra fine ass earlier. That's when I put two and two together.

"Ohhhhh my bad Daylin. I ain't even know."

"Yeah she's off limits."

"I mean I didn't know bruh, the way she was biting her lip at me, I thought--"

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