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"eva, i can't even believe this puta madre," esperanza ranted to her sister, "i mean, quien dice 'sit on my face'?"

"we're still talking about cesar?" eva complained from her bed.

"cómo no puedo? he's lucky i haven't seen him since!"

"maybe that's what derek was talking about. i heard lo que te dijo,"

"espero que todos estemos bien después," espy sighed as she put her head in her hands.

"you guys always are, what could change this time?" eva nonchalantly asked.

"un momento, i gotta take this!" esperanza said as her phone rang.

"monse, slow down. qué pasa?" esperanza asked the rambling afro-latina.

taking a deep breath, monse finally spoke, "cesar said you let him hit it before you left to mexico."

"what! quien dijo eso?" espy freaked.

"who else?"

"pinche jamal."


"so, what?"

"did you.. ya know?"

"jesus, monse, just come over and i'll tell you,"

"be there in 5!"

"so, what exactly was the context when cesar said he 'hit it' with espy?" jamal asked, trying to act semi-normal.

"he didn't say he 'hit it.' he said he 'smashed, really hard.' but who cares about the context?" ruby replied.

"um, i care!" esperanza spoke up.

"dude, you can't keep one secret," ruby exclaimed quietly.

"she was blackmailing me," jamal defended.

"esperanza blackmailed you?"

"no, i did," monse voiced, laying next to the girl who lied about the rumor to her.

"i can't do this right now," ruby claimed.

"por qué estás susurrando?" esperanza asked.

"where are you?" monse questioned along.

"hell," ruby uttered, "look, i'm dealing with some jacked up, cracked up b.s. at home, and i got to work it out before school starts. so, this cesar sitch, it just ain't top priority."

"can we meet up tomorrow?" monse asked.

"can't. got one last shift at my dad's joint before the summers over," jamal explained.

"dude, there's no way i'm facing the inquisition all by myself," ruby claims.

"why can't we just meet there and talk at five?" esperanza agreed with monse.

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