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"i did it! i did it!" ruby's voice spoke as he walked up to the four, talking about their classes and such. "i mean, it's done. i rocked that talk hard. and for a guy named spooky, he's surprisingly jovial,"

"wait, are you serious, ruby?" jamal asked, not fully convinced.

"ruben," ruben corrected, "and yes. cesar and esperanza are out the gang. boom. killed it,"

"you did kill it. you killed it so hard that we got promoted," espy shrugged her shoulders.

"no. spooky and i had an understanding," ruby said,
confused at what esperanza was talking about.

"we just got a text, we're gonna start running for the santos," cesar explained.

"no. no, no, no. that can't be true. he must be joking," ruby began to worry.

"ruby, we both love you for trying, pero, like we've been saying, it's done," esperanza sympathetically told the worried latino.

"and we don't blame you," cesar added to espy's statement, "personally, i blame monse," he said, making the girl turn to him, looking as surprised as esperanza.

"me?" monse asked.

"yeah, your the instigator and the frickin' honey badger. you don't quit. but now you have to. no more. we're done," cesar said, as she small latina agreed as she gave a very small smile and nodded her head.

"and so is 'ruben'," ruby added, looking down at his feet, "i'm not man enough to bear that name." still looking at the ground, he walked away sulking. jamal and monse shortly followed after, trying to cheer the boy up.

"you know it wasn't a one-person show," esperanza sighed, "they all came up with it. you can't blame just mons. technically, we also had a part in all of this."

"i know it was her," cesar shook his head, "and maybe, since we took part, maybe we should make it up to each other."

just before esperanza could reply with a snarky remark, jasmine interrupted, "oh, i can make it up to you, papi. just gotta make it fast, jasmine has other offers."

"take the other offers," both esperanza and cesar said at the same time to which jasmine replied with an 'okay'.

"cesar, whatever this is, is over," esperanza told the taller boy.

"what's wrong with ruby?" olivia asked as she walked up to the pair

"he'll be okay. he's just still upset that he had to give his room up," esperanza covered, knowing olivia had no clue about what was happening, which made her and cesar stare at each other, with looking of longing and annoyance.

"am i interrupting something?" olivia asked, sensing the tension between the two.

"no, nada," espy looked at the newest member of the crew, "sorry, i'm trying not to be weird."

"but she can't help it," cesar retorted, looking from esperanza to olivia.

"so after school, do you wanna hang with monse and me?" esperanza asked, as cesar asked the same thing – excluding monse.

"oh, i have plans with espy and monse," olivia replied.

"oh, i'm happy to join," cesar smirked as he looked between the two.

"oh, it's uh, kind of a girl thing," esperanza said as she moved over to olivia, slightly nudging the girl.

"oh, can i watch?" cesar asked, making olivia laugh and esperanza give him a 'como de chingas' look.

"i gotta get to class," espy said as she left the girls side, getting ready to walk away.

"great. bye," cesar said, giving a small wave.

"so, just text me when you get out of sixth period," cesar said, somewhat loudly.

"okay," espy turned around, shrugging her shoulders.

"i'm sorry i wasn't talking to you. let me give you my number, olivia," cesar said, looking at esperanza, "is that a problem?"

"no, and why would that be un problema?" esperanza asked back, to which cesar shrugged back.

as he put his number in olivia's phone, esperanza was looking back as she walked, only for her eyes to meet cesar's. quickly she turned around and walked faster to her next class.

walking up to cesar's window, esperanza heard the sound of music playing. when she reached the opened window, she knocked. after a second, cesar turned from his wall and saw the girl standing outside. strolling over to esperanza, he lowered his music, so that they could talk without being loud and waking people up.

"what's up?" cesar asked, looking at the latina.

"you know that you talking to other girls doesn't bother me," esperanza said, looking the boy in his eyes.


"i just wanted to make sure you got that,"

"loud and clear," the smirk evident on his face, as he tried to close the window before esperanza stopped it from closing.

"yes?" cesar asked, letting out a sigh.

"are you sure that you're sure?" esperanza asked.

"about what?"

"lo que dije,"

"yeah, you're fine with me talking to other girls,"


"that all?"

"yeah, pretty much,"

"de verdad? 'cause you could've texted me that,"

"no. it wouldn't have communicated properly,"

"ah," cesar said, looking esperanza up and down.

"what?" esperanza asked, seeing him check her out.

"olivia's really pretty, isn't she?"

"i don't see her like that, so i don't know,"

"mhh. right. got it. good night," cesar said before actually closing the window this time, making the latina call out his name, as he played his music again, grabbed a shirt, and walked away.

making her way to his front door, esperanza knocked on the door a couple times before the door opened. standing there was cesar, with disheveled hair, a black tank top, and some beige pants.

"yes?" he asked as esperanza just stood there for a second, before she grabbed onto his tank, pulling her body closer to his and attached their lips.

running her fingers through his hair, cesar wrapped his arms around the girls waist, before lifting her up and bringing them both inside.

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