Find Me

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A/N: Schedules? What even are they? Lmao don't kill me. I had to take a week off of writing and I basically binge read fanfiction because I was riding low function wise. Anyway, here is the seventh chapter. Enjoy :)

The plane T'Challa had loaned them was quiet and the ride was smooth as they prepared themselves for what they might find at the HYDRA base.

Only one of them had stayed behind at the hideout in Wakanda- Scott, who had been working with several of T'Challa's scientists on the technology behind his suit.

Steve sat beside him at the back of the plane, and his beta was seething quietly to himself as Bucky rubbed his neck, his nerves agitated.

He knew why his mate was angry- he had hidden something pivotal from him, and even though he hadn't done so for long it still irritated the blond beyond words.

They were a team, they were supposed to keep each other in the know and Bucky knew better than that.

The team had left the two of them alone in the back, Sam and Wanda and Clint hovering near the front- probably to avoid the drama.

Steve blew out a breath, "Why didn't you say anything?"

Bucky was silent for a moment before dropping his hand, "Steve, I could barely remember her. All I could actually recall about her were small things. I-I... Steve, I don't even remember her name. If Wanda hadn't done her thing, I wouldn't have remembered her at all."

Steve sighed and began to relax as the hour ticked by.

"We're touching down a mile off, Cap." Clint called back from the pilot seat, "Ground is too unsteady to land any closer."

Steve sighed once more and glanced at Bucky, "Do you think we'll find anything else while we're there?"

Bucky shook his head, "No. The base was one of the ones closed down in the seventies."

"You sure she's still there?"

Bucky nodded, "Yeah, it's... weird. I can't sense her like you, but I can still sense her. It's like she's ice and you're fire. All I have to do is trace the colder bond."

Steve leaned back, uncrossing his arms as he forced himself to relax.

"I thought you said it was broken."

Bucky hummed, "It's broken in that I can't feel her mind inside of mine. Before... I could hear her in my head, feel her... presence. When it severed, she was just gone."

Neither brought up how that wasn't normal for mated couples- you might sense your partner and their emotions, but hearing what they were actually thinking? That just wasn't possible- or at least not for most.

But then again, neither Steve nor Bucky nor this female were normal by any means.

They touched down and they all double checked their gear just in case anything went awry. They hiked their way down through the thick forest before making a rough climb up a small mountain before coming across the iced over entrance to the hidden base, which Wanda quickly ripped open.

Devling inside, they spit up into two teams- Wanda, Clint, and Sam on one and Bucky and Steve on the other.

Bucky tried to search for the bond once more but it felt like it was all around him, encompassing the entire base and it was disorienting, and he knew he would just have to work around it.

"We found some files." Clint radioed and Steve replied much the same.

"Us too. It looks like they were in a hurry to leave."

Bucky shook his head, "No."

Steve cocked a brow at him and he elaborated.

"We've only found files involving her. It's like they wanted to forget about her- the other stuff is just guard reports and forgotten notes. The files- they're well kept. They specifically left the things involving her here."

"Why, though?" Steve asked aloud, though they both knew it was an unconscious question for later review.

Bucky shrugged and they continued going room by room for about an hour and a half before the Wanda radioed about finding computer hard drives.

The search continued.

They scoured the rooms for what felt like hours before Clint radioed that they found something.

Sam went to flick on the light in the hidden room and the light bulbs shattered hanging over the metal tables burst into a shower of brilliant sparks.

"It looks like a morgue." Sam murmured.

Digging out a flashlight, they scanned the room as Steve and Bucky made their way over, the light landing on a heavy metal door.

"Vibranium." Clint muttered.

"She's in there." Wanda said, approaching the door, her eyes glowing slightly as she cast out her power for a feel of what lay beyond.

Clint ripped open the keypad and hotwired it, the metal doors falling open to reveal a freezer.

Inside hung long since dried out meat, ice and frost clinging to the slabs of meat and the walls, the floors slick with moisture, lights faint and flickering from above.

They entered as Bucky and Steve found the room, appearing in the doorway to the freezer a moment later.

Bucky pushed his way inside, casting his senses till he sensed something at the back- a faint omega scent.

He pushed forward once more and the others followed till they found a thin woman laying on a bench on her side, facing away from them.

Her hair was an icy white and fell in dense princess curls down her spine, her form small and curled into a ball, her arms and legs alarmingly thin.

Bucky stepped closer until he stood above her, his flesh hand quivering slightly as apprehension filled him as he stared at the frost that clung to her skin and hair.

Steve approached and was the first to touch her, pulling back with a sharp hiss, "She's so cold it burns, Buck."

Bucky bent down with little regard for the chill and picker her up, ready to get her out of the freezer to take a better look at her.

Her skin was tinted a faint blue-white, but it was dry under his fingertips and unforgiving- almost as hard as marble.

The lighting was poor-dying fluorescents- and Bucky dodged hanging freezer dried meat as he stepped out of the freezer, putting her down carefully on a metal table.

She was as light as she had been in his memories- though she was thinner now than she'd been then.

"Wanda," He swallowed, noting how her chest didn't move with breath and her skin didn't warm as the minutes ticked by and they all surrounded her.

She wore a thin dress and her cheeks were sunken in, her lips dry and blue.

Wanda glanced at him and he glanced back.

None of them wanted to say it, but they doubted she would reanimate since she hadn't been properly cryogenically frozen.

"Try to kickstart her heart."

The young witch looked concerned at the thought but nodded after a second, stepping forward on the opposite side of the table and placing a hand atop the blonde's chest, the other hand placed against the her temple.

Within a moment she had sparked the other experiment's heart and a sharp gasp was heard- more of a hiss than anything else.

The remaining light bulbs above them sparked to life before bursting once more, swallowing the room in darkness before emergency lights flew to life by the door, providing just enough light to see that the woman was gone.

A/N: Thank you so much for reading and please let me know what you think if you have the time! I'd really appreciate it! :)

Farther Away (An Avengers Omegaverse Fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin