Chapter 27

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"I'm sorry, Reda... We couldn't save her..."

He buried his head against the cold stone.

A stone engraving the name of his beloved.

"We tried our best..."

How far did they try to save her?

Long ago, he was close to the perfect family he dreamt of from the first moment he laid eyes on the most beautiful pair of emeralds belonging to a woman named Rossanna. The song in their heart calls each other and the sweetest scent of honey caught his nose. He was so enthralled that they bump each other on the zebra crossing lines. She almost fell if not for his quick arms and the slightest contact igniting the bond. Eyes met and that's the start of their heaven together. It was the most beautiful feeling to have a mate in his arms at last. 

But such happiness has its own ending. 

Both couldn't have children due to Rossanna's infertility and their frequent fight over the past few years eventually led her to leave him one rainy night. One night when she drove her car too fast that it slips off and onto the wrong lane. She tried to break and avoid the incoming cars, causing her car to flip and crash against the tunnel. 

She didn't survive that night and her tear-stricken face was his last image of Rossanna. 

Her death and their last fight brought depression upon himself. He blames himself for her death and what's even worse? He couldn't ask for her forgiveness then. The guilt eats him alive and he almost gives in to death if not for his niece, Phoebe. The young woman is like a daughter to him and he's happy that Micah is her mate. They've been looking out for him after a suicidal attempt which worries a lot of people including her highness. He hadn't thought of it much now but seeing how happy people with their mates brew jealousy and sadness in him. 

Rain simmer a little and Reda already clean her grave of weeds. Fresh roses sat upon her name and he gives a final touch on the stone before lifting himself up. He wipes the tears away and turns around to find a man holding an umbrella. Red tint appears in his eyes and before Reda could react, he was fast by grabbing Reda's throat and slamming his body against the ground. The impact knocked his air out and pain struck his back. He hissed in pain and the sound brought joy to the attacker. His voice comes out gruff than an ordinary human,

"She wants to speak with you."

His grey eyes widen and ready to kick the attacker when his whole body went stiff as stone. What's going on?? The attacker smiled and lift himself with a syringe. Reda let out a growl. The f*cker injects him with something. He forces his body to attack but couldn't. Every nerve in his body went numb and he could only hear the faint sound of rain and her speaking. 

"My, my... Isn't it Reda?"

Her face appeared on his side and his whole face went pale. 

How did she get inside the packed ground?

Her cold fingers touch his bearded cheek and a chill went down his spine. He had to warn others but the feeling wears out his ability to think, making him unable to mind-link others. He grits his teeth and glares at the woman beside him. She gives a sweet smile and the cunning behind her violet eyes would not go unnoticed by him. 

"It's been a while, my friend."

I'm not your friend! He wanted to shout at her and yet, he let out a grumbling sound. 

She chuckles and waves something above them. His eyes followed her movement and suddenly, his world becomes black. The air becomes colder and much worse, and her eyes change becoming the haunting image in the back of his head. 

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