Chapter 2- Crazy ass bitch

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Callie's P.O.V

I was trying to concentrate on the game at hand but was finding that hard with Blake staring at me, it was creeping me out. I hate Ryan not being here...I miss him like crazy, he was the love of my life, we had been together since we were 13...shared all our firsts together...well except our first kiss. And here we were nearly 5 years later and still crazy for one and other. Plus when he was around no one bothered me...Blake kept his distance, well most of the time from me cause he was scared of Ryan. Ryan was a mixed martial arts champion and no one messed with him. He was not a bad guy though, he was the type that got on with most people, well except Blake...he hated him...he has always hated him for some reason. Don't know what went on between them both.

Anyway where was I? Blake...he was still staring at me. I gave him a death glare but he never cared, he only laughed at me. I soon got pulled out of trying to kill him with my stare (only of it was that easy) when I felt a hockey stick connect with my ankle hard, making me hit the ground, yelping in pain. I looked up to see Blake's number one booty call Missy standing there, glaring with a slight smirk on her lips

"What the heck you crazy bitch?" I hissed

"Stay the fuck away from Blake Callie." She hissed

Is this Crazy bitch serious right now?

"Blake? I do not fucking want Blake. I aint desperate." I hissed at her

"Yes you fucking do, stay away from my man." She hissed

I laughed when she said that...her man?

"Your man? Sweetie he is slipping it to half the girls in our year." I said

"That aint the point. I mean you, it is different with you. You go anywhere near him I will make your life a living hell." She hissed with pure venom

"Do not threaten me you crazy assed bitch. I do not or ever will want him." I hissed

I swear if I could stand right now the bitch would be getting slapped.

"Girls enough." Coach said appearing in front of us

"She started it, she done this on purpose." I replied

"She got in my way." She hissed

I went to respond but before I could

"Callie are you OK?" I heard Blake's voice

I looked up at him, he was looking at me with a concerned look on his face. Like he gives a damn.

"Blake she is fine leave her." She whined at him

"What the fuck? You done that on purpose Missy." Blake hissed

"I never it was an accident baby." She cooed at him, batting her lashes

I rolled my eyes

"Was it fuck Missy? I watched you do it. What is wrong with you?" he hissed

"I...I am sorry. I see the way you look at her, you want her." Missy said timidly

"And? Who I want or don't want is none of your business. You aint my girlfriend. Now piss off, I will call you later." He hissed

Missy nodded, doing as he told her. Yes right wait and I would. He would be getting told where to go. Missy left, Blake turned his attention back to me

"You OK?" he asked again

"Fine." I huffed at him

This was his fault after all, it was his little play thing that done it to me.

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