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I'm trying to converse with Connor about how he's finding Hank as a working partner, but it's difficult to do so over the loud music of the office party.

"Yknow what Connor, I'm going to get a beer," I say quite loudly as I wander over to the bar, Connor watching me like a hawk in case people decide to go for me.

I order a beer quickly and turn around to walk back to Connor but instead am greeted with a drunk Gavin.

"AnNnaAAa," Gavin slurs.

"Gavin? You're super drunk," I say grabbing Gavin's arm and dragging him over to Connor.

I take a swig of my beer as I stop in front of Connor with Gavin hanging off of me.

"Connor, how drunk is he?" I ask, as Gavin tries to take my beer.

Connor scans Gavin quickly and looks scared.

"Too drunk to be standing," Connor replies and helps me take Gavin to a quieter room where we can try to help sober him a little bit.

I had Gavin a bottle of water that Connor gave me at the start of the night. Gavin takes the bottle and downs all of it in a matter of seconds.

"I knew this would happen," I joke to Connor.

Connor gives me a friendly smile and I look back to Gavin who is slowly becoming less drunk and more conscious by the minute.

By the time Gavin is able to speak normally and make conscious decisions I've finished a beer and a half. I get Connor to stop my drinking when I start to get intoxicated, which Connor gladly does.

As Connor leaves the room to throw my beer bottle out and get some water bottles, Gavin moves closer to me.

"Gavin?" I question, starting to feel slightly tipsy.

"Anna," Gavin replies seductively.

Oh god no, don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it.

"Your dress is gorgeous and so are you," Gavin says, he's now close enough that are lips are merely centimetres away.

"Thanks Gavin, but we are both drunk," I say pushing Gavin's chest away slightly.


"Gavin this isn't a good idea," I say quietly.

"But you want to do it don't you? Break some rules," Gavin growls.

"Yes but," I start to say but am pushed back on the couch.

Gavin's lips touch mine, he kisses me roughly, which it takes a second for me to realise what's happening and I return the kiss, hands in his hair, softly tugging. Gavin's hands run down the side of my body and reach my hips, where his hands stop and just hold me down.

By the time Connor returns we are full on making out on the couch, neither of us daring to go any further. Connor takes a seat on the nearest single chair and just sits there, listening to Gavin get sexually frustrated.

I push Gavin's chest off me and he hovers there, hands either side of my shoulders, his eyes give a pleading look and I shake my head no.

"Gavin you are still really drunk, I can't take advantage of you, so the answer is no, maybe when you're sober," I say quietly. I pull Gavin back down for one more kiss before sitting upright and seeing Connor sitting in the corner, staring at me, mouth wide open.


My face flushes a bright red as I grab my things and run out the door, Connor following swiftly behind me.

Curious and Infatuated // Connor [Detroit: Become Human] - OC!! Where stories live. Discover now