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I enter the precinct with Connor following swiftly behind.

"Sorry we are late Hank, got caught up taking to Xands," I say quickly.

I see Gavin and walk up to him.

Gavin grabs my waist and kisses me passionately, which I return. We part and I continue my walk to Hank's desk.

"Wait, you and Gavin?" Hank questions.

"Yes now aren't you mad Connor and I are late?" I say changing the subject

Gavin and Connor approach me from behind and Gavin wraps his arms around my waist.

"No not at all," Hank says giving me a sweet smile.

I return the smile and kiss Gavin's cheek.

"Morning Gav," I say.

"Morning love," Gavin replies.

Hank fake throws up and I smile at Hank as Gavin walks back to his desk but not after giving me a quick kiss.

"Grow up Hank," I say before quickly turning to my desk to start my work for the day.


2:30 pm

"Anna? We have a new case and I need you," Connor says as he approaches my desk.

"Okay, lets go then," I say smiling as I grab my jacket.

Hank gets up and follows us, Gavin glares at Connor and tries to threaten him but I stop him but clicking in front of his face.

Gavin snaps out of his glare and smiles at me as Connor, Hank and I leave the precinct.

"Since I haven't spoken to you all day, it's like you're ignoring me Anna, what's happening between you and Gavin?" Hank asks me as we get into a car.

"Oh, we were both drunk last night and made out and then he texted me asking if I wanted to go out with him and I agreed," I say with a shrug.

Hank mumbles something that I don't quite hear. After ten minutes of silence we pull up to a small house that seems to be abandoned.

"This is the place?" I question.

"This is the address," Connor says.

All three of us get out of the car and walk up the stairs, Hank knocks on the door and a female police officer answers.

"Ah Lieutenants, glad you could make it."

I give the officer a quick smile before wandering into the house.

"What happened here?" I ask turning to the nearest officer.

"An AX400 mode android murdered its owner and kidnapped the child, that's all we have got so far due to the lack of evidence, but it's unclear as to how long this Android has been deviant for, we suspect not long," The officer reports.

I nod and follow Connor upstairs to where the body is located, in the child's room. I sigh at the site, the messy room, the dead body, the case of deviancy.

"It was just trying to defend itself again most likely, but I guess from the lack of evidence and knowledge you can't really make that assumption yet," I say mostly to myself.

"Good point, most of these cases of deviancy are in the act of self defence, I'm wondering if it's the trauma the owner puts the deviant through that causes said deviancy," Connor says as I rummage through draws and boxes.

"Speaking of which, take a look at this drawing," I say showing Connor the drawing.

A child drew it, presumably the same one the Android kidnapped, but it's a drawing of the small child, the Android and the man, except the android and the child both are injured, the Android has lost an arm and the child is bleeding from its head.

Curious and Infatuated // Connor [Detroit: Become Human] - OC!! Where stories live. Discover now