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I lie on my back, on the cold concrete, looking up at the dark cloud ridden sky, the rain pouring, I breathe heavily as I hear Connor run to me, leaving Markus shocked at what happened. Markus watches as Connor holds my head. Everyone realises what has happened and they leave the scene, allowing ambulances and police officers to enter the war zone to collect injured soldiers and broken androids.

Third Person POV

"Connor, I'm so sorry, I should have listened," Anna says quietly as she takes steady breaths.

"Anna, stay with me, the ambulance is almost here," Connor urges, his hand pressed against her wound to stop the bleeding.

"I don't know if I can."

Connor looks at Anna with pleading eyes as she lays in his arms, slowly dying.

"Anna, listen to me okay?" Connor pleads.

Anna nods and smiles at the Android who is keeping her alive.

"You always intrigued me, I'm not sure why, but you always have, even when I said I lost feelings for you, there was something about you that made me curious, it was if I wanted to learn more about you, like there was something I didn't know or you weren't telling me. Adriana Jane Richards, you are spectacular, don't die here, not now, dare I say I've always had a deep rooted love for you," Connor spills.

"Connor," Anna murmurs as she raises a hand and places it on his cheek

Connor feels a tear fall from his eye and it lands on Anna's forehead, causing Anna to let out a small laugh.

"Connor, you always intrigued me as well," Anna whispers.

Connor smiles at those words and watches as Anna takes her final breaths, before her eyes close and she dies in Connor's arms.

Connor looks at the lifeless body of his co-worker, investigation partner and best friend that is laying in his arms. He places Anna's body on the ground gently and gives her a kiss on the forehead just as the ambulance arrives.

"I'll always hold you close to my heart Adriana," Connor whispers as paramedics carry the lifeless body away into the back of the ambulance.

Connor stands staring at the ambulance as it drives away in the heavy rain.

8:15 am

The minute Anna's life ended on the streets of Detroit in the heavy rain she was whisked away almost as quickly as she had met Connor.

Connor knew that heartbreak was going to be evident with Anna, but he didn't know how or when it was going to happen and he most definitely didn't know how much it was going to hurt.

As Connor stands in the rain, Hank walks up behind him and holds an umbrella over the Android and places a soft hand on Connor's shoulder.

Connor turns around and sees Hank weakly smiling at the tear stained Android. Connor hugs Hank tightly, which Hank returns as best as he can, while Connor cries his heart out into Hank's brown jacket.

The two of them stand there for several minutes before they part and walk back to the precinct to inform everyone of the tragic event that has happened.

The day reflects the events perfectly, thousands dead, the end of a life, the end of a friendship and the heartbreak of an Android.

Everything left quickly as it came and wasn't going to come back anytime soon. All the people who knew her, all the people who loved her and all the people who had yet to tell her that they loved her all came together to send her off. Anna never wanted people to spend months mourning over her, so when she died all her close friends and family knew how to handle it. 

Curious and Infatuated // Connor [Detroit: Become Human] - OC!! Where stories live. Discover now