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There was in fact, chocolate chip waffles at the diner Mr. Toma brought me too. The name was Bob's Diner, a small place nestled in the norther side of Charleston. The ride was awkward to say the least, as well as once we got there. Especially since half of the group of boys Sang, I think that was her name, were the waiters.

The boy I saw leaving the elevator sat at the very end of the diner, far away from where Mr. Toma and I sat. My eyebrows furrowed at I looked at him, something wasn't right. He sat next to the tattooed man from earlier as well, but his eyes, they were different. Lighter. More like the waves you would ride rather than the storm that caused them.

"I'm sorry for what you heard earlier, although how you heard it I'm not exactly sure." Mr. Toma's voice cut through my inspection, my eyes flickering back to him.

"I needed to change, that was the closest bathroom." The corner of his lip flickered up, his head shaking.

"You're not a stray, that isn't what I meant." I furrowed my eyebrows as I cut into my waffle, the smell of chocolate wafting to me. I haven't had chocolate, in sooooo long.

"What exactlt did you mean then?" I asked quietly, my eyes flickering up to Mr. Toma's as he watched me.

"We recently, got hurt is the best way to say it by helping someone out. My team and I, and some of us took it worse than others." I cocked my head to the side slightly, my eyes flickering back from him to the elevator guy at the end of the restaurant.

My eyes met his for a split second, my own widening ever so slightly before I nodded to myself. Got it.

"Meaning, you took it harder than others. You got attached." I looked to him for confirmation, his pleading eyes saying more than he ever could. "Let me leave, and I'll be out of your hair. I'll be no stray, and you can heal."

"Where do you plan to go?" I shrugged, choosing to take another bite of my waffle to prolong my answer.

"Somewhere, I have enough cash to get me there and to help me find a place to stay. I'll get a job somehow, I'll figure it out."

"Somehow?" I paused, my fork halfway to my mouth.

"Yeah, somehow." I muttered, chewing my piece of waffle a little bit more thorough now.

It was silent for a bit as I finished my waffle, taking a sip of my black coffee. I nodded as I tasted it, bitter enough to entice my taste buds, sweet enough to not make me gag. I looked up to find Axel smirking slightly as he watched me, my eyebrows raising.


"I'll make sure I pass along to Marc that you like his coffee." I cocked my head slightly before shrugging, taking another sip. "Stay with us tonight."

I choked on my coffee, coughing as I stared at him incredulously. "I'm sorry, stay with who?"

"My team and I." The fuck was a team? Were him and his friends all, together? Like that type of team? I wasn't one to judge, guess it sucked that someone as attractive as him and the blonde blue eyed duos were gay.

"Why should I?" He pointed to outside, where the storm had moved further onto land and was currently heading for right over us.

"If you want to go out in this rain, then fine, so be it. But if you still want to leave tomorrow, I'll let you." I narrowed my eyes at him, nodding my head curtly.

"Fine, but I sleep on the couch. And we don't talk about me being in the hospital." The corner of his lip curled up even more, his long legs moving him to slide out of the booth we sat in. "What're you doing?"

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