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I've never trusted women, my mom made sure of that. I thought I finally had a chance with Kayli, I thought she was different. Someone to share with my brothers, share he love between all of us together but I was royally wrong. I thought she was head strong, independent, a rebel that didn't follow societies plans.

But I was incredibly wrong.

She was selfish, not head strong. She was rude to those she thought was beneath her, temperamental, and an all around bitch. She ripped my heart out, along with every single brother I had. She thought Corey and Raven's relationship was disgusting, and tried to pit each of us against one another. And cared about money above everything else.

I peaked down, white hair in messy curls was spread across my chest. Rowena was slightly shorter than Kayli, but somehow had more curve than Kayli every did. She wore a shirt I recognized from Coreys closet, but I didn't want to think of what she wore below, but that was mostly because I doubt she wore much, if anything at all. We hadn't gone shopping for her yet, something I knew we'd have to call Gabe for.

The door to our apartment opened quietly, my eyes flickering to meet the surprised face Corey made. His eyes were soft, always so much softer than mine ever were. I always had this fear in the back of my head, people would love him since he was softer.

I was too rough, too quick to anger and too closed off.

He walked up to the couch with Marc not far behind, his own eyes wary as he stared at the two of us. I knew Marc had hurt the most with Kayli, reverting to anger and full of rage. He was scared of Rowena, he didn't have to say it for all of us to know that.

But after hearing what she had done to herself, I think that just scared him more.

"How did she end up here?" Corey asked me, his voice just as soft as he was.

"Nightmare, she ended up eating all of your asparagus Cor." Marc raised an eyebrow as he came to stand next to Corey. I watched as he tentatively brushed a curl from her face, her button nose scrunching up slightly as it tickled her.

"Didn't even know y'all had asparagus." I snorted, moving ever so gently to put her between the couch and I. I stood up slowly, watch her grab the couch pillow I had slept with and hold it against her chest.

"Thats what I thought, she makes it pretty well though."

"Did she say what she dreamt about?" Corey asked as he led the two of us into the kitchen, Marc quickly moving to start a pot of coffee.

My eyes looked to where I knew she slept, my brain not quite catching up to what my heart was shouting at it. I tried to squash it down, it was too soon and too fast. That was what ruined us with Kayli, we moved too quickly, and too recklessly.

"That we got ripped to pieces by Volto." I glanced back to the two, Corey's concern clear as day on his face.

"Maybe she should talk to someone."

"But who Marc? She doesn't exactly trust us, and I know she doesn't trust the Academy." I answered him as I watched Corey grab what he needed from the fridge before leaving. I opened the fridge as I grabbed creamer from the fridge just before the coffee finished brewing, the smell tickling the inside of my nose as I set it on the center of the island.

"Are you guys making coffee?" A soft voice asked, my eyes watching Marc as he peered to her. I tried to keep the smirk off my face, but I could tell her wasn't unaffected by her either. I glanced back to her, her hair messy and everywhere. Her eyes were half lidded, the tops of her cheeks pink with her just waking up.


"They're making breakfast in the other apartment." Mark answered her unasked question, her hands raising to rub at her eyes. I flinched involuntarily at the scars I saw on her arms, raised white and pink scars that were far too many.

She must've noticed me staring as she rubbed her hand against them, adverting her eyes to the hall where Coreys room lay. "I'm going to go change."

I grimaced as she left, and kinda felt like an idiot. Marc must've thought so as well if the slap he delivered to the back of my head had any say. "That was incredibly rude you know."

"What was?" Axels voice cut off whatever excuse I was about to throw out, his eyebrows furrowing behind his glasses.

"I got caught staring at her arms, I think I made her self conscious." I muttered, smoothing the hair on the back of my head.

"Do we all need to talk about that?" I shook my head at him, turning to walk to the other apartment. I cursed at myself, I didn't want her running and escaping. I understood her wanting to leave, hell if I could help her I would but I wanted her to do it safely.

"Breakfasts almost done." Corey called out from the stove, not bothering to turn around and look to see who came into the apartment.

"Corey, what are we doing with her?" I asked him as I leaned against the cabinet, his eyes glancing to me from the side.

"Who, Rowena?" I nodded my confirmation to him. I was confused, I'd let her sleep on me last night like she was my girlfriend but she still didn't trust us. I didn't trust her either, she wanted gone and I understood.

My brain was going a million miles an hour while Corey stood there and flipped pancakes.

"She slept with me on the couch, she had a nightmare. She's getting close to us, but are we even ready to move that way? Is she even ready?" I asked him, fingering a thread on my shirt.

"That's not something we may really know. She should see someone though, someone trained to help with trauma, like Marc said. She's gone through hell and then some, I don't think we can help as much as we'd like to." I watched him place three pancakes on a plate before handing it to me, the sound of Raven moving around coming from the back rooms.

"But what about us, we were dicks to her and yet here we are–"

"Don't think about it, just do." Raven said as he came into the kitchen, completely naked. I put my hand on my eyes, letting a sigh out.

"Raven, clothes. Rowena will be here any second." I grumbled out, not daring a peek until I got the word it was safe.

"Why, she may like. Corey likes, no?"

"Raven, clothes! Marc don't like, Axel don't like, and I sure as hell don't like." I heard a chuckle before the sounds of his feet moving to the back of the apartment again. "Is it safe now?"

"Yes it's safe, the big scary man is gone." Corey chuckled, grinning at the glare I shot him. It didn't have much heat behind it, but still. Gross.

The sound of the door opening drew my attention, Rowena walking in wearing shorts too big for her and the same t shirt. Axel and Marc came up behind her, Axels hand gently resting on her arm.

"Eat, you're going to need it." She scrunched up her face in confusion, taking the plate I handed to her.

"There's chocolate in them." I answered her unasked question, a small smile making its way to her lips.

"But why do I need the strength, what am I doing today?" She asked as she sat down, Axel following behind her with a plate and bottle of syrup.

"Do you want something to drink?" He asked as he set his own plate down, Corey handing me a plate again. I sat on the other side of Rowena? Her eyes gazing down at the pancakes as she poked it slightly with her fork.

"Can I get some water?" She asked, still unsure sounding. Corey and Raven came in with their own plates, a pitcher of OJ and a water bottle for Ro.

"Unfortunately, you lost your duffel bag at the station. So for now, we only have our clothes to cover you. Gabriel is coming to take us to grab you some clothes." She wrinkled her nose, before panic crossed her face.

"My money! My money was in that duffel!"

"Little Witch, it's okay. We can help, and if you really want you can work at the diner or wherever you want. But we wouldn't mind helping , really." Corey answered her as the doorbell rang, dread practically covering her face.

"Good luck Ro, you're gonna need it."

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