Chapter 5

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Off we go to race for our lives. I splash into the moat, and I'm instantly soaked to my knees. Once I reach the other side onto dry land, I find the perfect club for me. It's not huge, but the spikes are long. This could go deep inside somebody. Others fly by, grabbing bags and their own clubs.

I promised myself I'd kill at least one tribute in the bloodbath, so I follow the girl from District 5. As she bends over to take a bag, I swing my club at her neck. It impales her all the way through. Honestly, I could vomit after what I just did, but my life is more important than how I feel. I retract the club out of her quickly to look around and make sure nobody sneaks up on me.

Too late.

The District 7 boy approaches me with a massive club and swings. I duck just in time. Then he drops suddenly, a club stuck to his back.

Hal nods my way as he retrieves the club.

"Thanks," I mouth to him.

Around me there are screams, punches, blood spraying everywhere. Even kind-hearted Lily gets her hands dirty, striking a boy unconscious and raising her club again for the kill. One girl- I think she's from District 9- is getting her head beaten to a pulp by Link. While Andrea guts the boy from District 12 with her club's long spikes, I start chasing down another victim: the District 12 girl. She trips backwards under the weight of her bag, giving me the perfect opportunity to puncture her chest. Five times. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Marius hack away at the boy from District 3. Many tributes manage an escape, but it doesn't concern me. Let them hide for now.

Soon, the only tributes left at the Cornucopia are me and my five allies. As we gather more supplies, I pack another club in my bag (which I took from a dead tribute), and we take all the food we can find. There's no guarantee that we'll return to the Cornucopia, so why not?

Nine cannons explode in the air while we're at it. I'm responsible for two of them.

"Where do you guys think we should go?" Marius asks.

"I say we explore for a bit," Hal says, "and maybe find a tribute or two. Then, when night comes, we'll set up camp."

We're off to a good start in my book. I don't know if I'd make it far without allies, honestly. I've never hunted before. I mean, I could learn- and I'm gonna learn- but sharing what food we have helps me immensely. It's best to have people on your side… even when you might have to kill them later.

By sunset, we're exhausted. What's worse, we didn't see any tributes. None. There are still fifteen alive. I don't think the Gamemakers are happy right now.

"Where the heck are they?" Link asks us. We've decided to rest at the bottom of a steep hill, right where it opens up into forest.

Lily shrugs. "The arena's too huge, with too many hiding spots."

"We'll get some tomorrow," Hal promises Link.

"In the meantime…" Andrea trails off, a teasing grin on her face; "I'm bored. Why don't we play Truth or Dare?"

I roll my eyes when she's not looking. A child's game, in the middle of this? I am so not going first.

"I'm in," Hal says instantly. Lily, Marius, and Link agree, too.

"Not gonna happen," I tell them.

Andrea narrows her attention to me. "What, District Two? Are you afraid to admit that you're not really a girl? You're beefy enough and hairy enough."

"If you shut up, I might let you live," I reply. "Might. But you won't listen to me, so… Whatever. I'll play along."

"I'll start," Andrea offers.

"So long as I get to dole out your punishment."

She stretches out her arms. "Be my guest. I pick Truth."

"You say you're really particular about what axes you use, but can you actually build an axe yourself?" I ask her smugly.

"No," she admits, as if it doesn't bother her. "What a lame question."

"It's lame that you criticize my work when you haven't even tried one of my axes, and you don't know what goes into making them," I counter. That shuts Andrea up.

"I'll take a dare," Link says to keep the game moving. "Marius?"

Marius looks caught off guard. I don't think he wants to play, either. "Oh, am I gonna give you the Dare?"

"Do it, man. Unless you'd rather die now."

"Okay, I get it! I'm thinking…" Marius is clearly terrified by Link's threat, and his expression reminds me that he's the youngest of us. The most child-like. "I dare you to… dance."

Suddenly, Link's not so high and mighty. Tough guy Link, dancing on live television? Marius is a genius. But Link does as he's asked, and he launches into his dance. I can only describe it this way:





Repeat. Absolutely no rhythm.

He lays down right after, red in the face. "Who wants to go now?"

"Me," Hal says. "I'll take Truth."

"Okay… Oh, I know. Are you a virgin?"

My district partner replies, quite happily, "No."

I almost laugh aloud. Didn't see that coming. When I think about it… Jetta revealed to me a month ago that she'd lost her virginity… They are the same age, and they used to hang out together a lot…

Ew. Why did I even let my mind wander to such ugly territories? Now I'm scarred. If I return home alive, I'll have tons of questions for that sister of mine.

"I guess I'm next," I say. "Dare."

Hal crosses his arms and smiles. "I dare you to kiss one of these girls."


"You heard me, Golding," he replies.

"What the heck. I'm going for it." My gaze goes from Andrea to Lily, and it's a no brainer. "Oh Lily…"

The Truths and Dares leave us laughing until our stomachs hurt. Honestly, I feel like I'm back home, goofing with friends. Are we really in danger? Could one of them kill me? Are we gonna starve? Are we secretly plotting against one another? Nah. Things are pretty good.

This could be so fun, I might just like it.

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