Chapter 7

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Day four flies by, and the most exciting thing that happens is gulping down bottle after bottle of water. Searching for tributes is a bust. Again. I feel like I'm walking on broken glass, always reacting to the slightest noise, and yet nobody dies today. Something's got to give soon. That's my final thought as I return to sleep- or something close to it.

The voice of Claudius Templesmith jostles me out of unconsciousness:

"Attention, tributes: Congratulations on making it to day five! Being that you only had one option given to you initially, we realize that by now you may be missing your weapon of choice. Fear no more. When dawn breaks, you'll find your prized weapons waiting for you at the Cornucopia, generously donated by sponsors. Use them wisely, because they will not be replaced. Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor."

My allies and I cheer.

"Yes!" I exclaim. "I hear a sword calling my name!"

Hal and Link give each other high fives and say, "Aww yeeaah!"

"Now we can really get this party started," Andrea remarks, clapping enthusiastically. "They're just begging for another bloodbath."

Marius grins slightly, but he doesn't say anything. I think he's a little afraid of killing and/or being killed. He was shaking somewhat after the initial bloodbath. Totally reasonable, of course. Still…

I bet he'll be the first one of us to die.

"Let's suit up, then," Lily says. From her bag, she produces a breastplate made of steel.

Andrea eyes her enviously. "Lucky…"

"Hey, I grabbed two of them. This one's yours if you want it," Lily replies.

"Oh," Andrea mutters, reaching for the armor. "Thanks."

As for me, I have shin guards and a small shield in my bag. That's all the armor I snagged, but I doubt anybody's gonna be close enough to hurt me. I slide the guards over my shins, regardless. We're all wearing some type of armor once we've prepped ourselves. Link wears steel boots, Hal has a helmet, and Marius, like me, has a shield. We were so focused on killing when we entered the Games that we haven't put any of it to good use yet. That's about to change. And, I remember, today holds a special significance.

"I just thought of something," I mutter as we head for the Cornucopia.

"What?" Hal asks.

"It's been five days, and the Games started on June 12th."

"Stating the obvious, much?" Andrea replies.

Lily and I both fire her with nasty stares.

"It's my birthday," I say.

Happy birthday to me. Seventeen years of life and this is what I have to show for it: Putting my life up for sale. Non-negotiable.

You're the one who didn't let your sister volunteer, I think.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Hal says joyfully. "You've earned a birthday kiss."

"And here I thought you were attracted to my sister."

"Come on, now; This is probably your last kiss, and it's probably gonna be mine, too; so who better than my girlfriend's sister?"

I roll my eyes. "Stop being such a perv." But I say it in a joking voice. I can't possibly stay angry with Hal when he's saved my life once, and he really is funny. Sometimes you need people like him to lighten the mood.

"Okay," I tell him, "but not on the lips."

"Works for me," Hal replies. He settles for kissing my cheek.

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