Chapter 11

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I get a big loaf of bread from sponsors that night. Now that I also have Lily's leftover food, I share the bread with Link and Hal. I like to think I've still got some nice girl genes left inside me.

As I wrap my injured thigh, we learn that Andrea and Lily are today's only casualties.

Four people stand in my way. I'm contemplating leaving the alliance, just so it hurts a bit less when they die. Yeah, that includes Link. We really are a lot alike, and I don't begrudge him for attacking me. If that's how he wants to cope with our present situation, then he can do whatever he wants.

Besides kill me, of course. Can't have that.

Our night is peaceful, but I barely get any sleep. I think I nod off for about three hours. The rest of the night, I spend tossing and turning. Not out of the danger zone yet, and I'm having nightmares.

My club, spearing into the District 5 girl. Her horrified face. Even Andrea comes to mind. The wretched sounds she made as I took her life. We're not the bad guys here, I realize.

"Time to get more water and food," Link declares. That brings me out of my stupor. But I'm not up for the trip, physically or mentally.

Luckily, Hal can see my disdain. "You can stay here if you want some space," he says. "We need a guard for our stuff, anyways. I'll fill your water bottle for you."

"Oh. Thanks." My voice is meek. I'm surprised he's still being friendly, when we're close to the end. "See you soon, then."

Or not. I'd actually prefer not.

It's amazing how convincing a mask can be. I haven't taken off the mask once yet, not even when Lily died. But as Link and Hal walk out of sight, I do something I've needed to do since day one.

I tuck my head inside my arms, and without a sound, with only the forest as my witness, tears run out of me.
Crying really is therapeutic; so my mood has improved when the guys return. Just let the Gamemakers do their worst. They did give me the highest tribute rating. If I've made it this far, I can handle whatever they've got coming next.

"Any theories on where the other tributes could be?" Link asks us. "They're not allies; I know that much."

"If I were by myself, I'd stick around a water source," I reply.

Hal says, "The Cornucopia has both water and supplies. Maybe we'll find at least one of them there."

We're all in agreement. It's kinda daunting, navigating; not my strongest suit; but we use our combined visual memories, and after an hour, I see a shiny peak ahead. There it is. Just beyond a bulging oak tree...

I do a double take.

"Wait, guys. Is that...?"

"The District Eight boy," Hal finishes. "Yeah. I heard he was a master of camouflage."

Link shrinks backwards. "Uh, well, I hate to break it to you, but he's not just blending in. Look closer..."

The tree bark covers District 8- or, should I say; camouflaged vines wiggle around his wrists and ankles. He struggles frantically for the knife in his belt. The vines are faster, squeezing him around the chest. I can't help but watch as his life fades away.

How will I feel when I die? On the chance that I win, am I gonna live to old age and die of natural causes, wondering if I could've been a better person? Hearing my victims scream with every waking moment? If one of my allies murders me, will they show me mercy and do it quickly? So many questions.


I look from Link to Hal.

"Four now," Hal says.

Rayna is out there still. Must be difficult, living with one ear. Of course, it's not the worst thing that could happen.

The boys and I fill up our water bottles at the Cornucopia's moat, waiting in silence. Surely, she realizes where we are. She'll find us. And then, somehow, we've got to kill one another until one remains.

Dang it. I never thought I'd dread killing Hal or Link. I like them too much now.

Hal, Link and I move inside the Cornucopia for shade, and I let the cool air revive my sweating body. All I've done for the past thirteen days (or... wait... maybe fourteen? Oh God) is sweat. Sweat, fight, kill, eat, and drink. I'm a big fan of the last two options.

What we thought would only take an hour or so turns into a nightlong watch. I'd bet anything that Rayna's trying to avoid us. Can't blame her there; yet I'm not blind to her crossbow skills. The girl could shoot me and I'd have no warning whatsoever. Perhaps- I hope -she's not as stealthy as hunters need to be. Only our next encounter will tell.

When sunrise lights up the Cornucopia, loud, rapid footsteps echo in my ears. I guess my nap's done.

"Did you hear that?" Link asks us.

"Yeah," I reply.

It sounds like more than one pair of feet; maybe a dozen. We step outside with weapons raised. Through the brush, I soon make out the image of a bandaged human head. Rayna has arrived. But she's in too big a panic to notice us. She's running from something...

Suddenly, four muttation jaguars appear, and they pounce on her.

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