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to: cassandra.belford@baderu.com

from: weston.maguire@baderu.com

subject: A day in my life

sent: January 23, 2017 at 11:49pm

Hi Cassie,

My day? You got it.

5:00am: I hit snooze when my alarm went off, but I got up about two minutes later because I had to pee.

5:05 am: I brushed my teeth, put on deodorant, and shaved (my face, not my legs.)

5:20am: I made some eggs, but my roommates were still sleeping so I tried to be quiet. Then I dropped the pan on the kitchen tiles, so no luck there. I watched TV while I ate. I left my dishes in the sink.

6:00am: I walked to the SRC and listened to music. It's a playlist my sister put together for me. She's talented, musically speaking, and is always on my case to "expand my repertoire" so I listened to some of the jazzy moody music she compiled. The playlist was appropriate for the situation. It was dead cold and still dark out, so there weren't many people or cars around. It wasn't sad, but I thought that it was pretty lonely looking.

I was trying really hard to keep track of everything for you. I'm not trying to kiss ass here, it's just what I was doing. I even tried to come up with something interesting to think about, so I'd have a lot of good stuff to write later. But the truth is that I was thinking about how much I wanted to go back to bed and how much I hate cold mornings. Especially mornings where it feels so cold that it hurts behind my eyes.

The gym was warm though, and I immediately felt less like a sad jazz song when I got into the locker room. I changed my shoes, filled my water bottle, etc. and went to join Paul. Paul has been our goalie since Doug graduated. He's not as big as some of the other goalies I know, but he's quick, and that's more important than build.

I've always found Paul kinda funny. He's an unbelievably sharp player, really agile, but he comes across as slow and quiet outside the game. He talks like he's got all day, and he has a long face that matches his long and drawn out statements. He's always reminded me of a sloth. A lot of people think he's a stoner, or that he's maybe taken too many pucks to the head. But, I think he's just a chill guy.

Paul and I took turns spotting each other, talking about friends from the team and people we both know.

"I saw Liam over the break," Paul drawled out, his arms moving faster than his words as he lifted the weight above his head. "Kayla had the baby. It's a girl."

Liam and Kayla graduated in May. His numbers were inconsistent, but he's a good guy. His girlfriend Kayla got pregnant a couple of months before they graduated. Liam and I were never particularly close, but I wanted more details. It's weird to think that he's a dad.

"Do you know the baby's name?" I asked.

"Yeah." For a second, I thought that was all he would say, but he took another deep breath and kept talking. "Kayla named her Layla."

"Layla? As in Liam plus Kayla equals Layla? Seriously, doesn't that come across a little... I don't know, self-indulgent?"

Paul shrugged. "At least she isn't named after a fruit or something."

He had a point. I'd heard Kayla wanted to name her something weird.

We finished with a 3km run which felt good. I miss running outside though. Winter makes being near the lake unbearable, but it's really nice to run there when the weather is good.

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