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to: cassandra.belford@baderu.com

from: jbrison@staff.baderu.com

subject: What an improvement!

sent: February 2, 2017 at 8:59am


I am loving the little details you've added to the revisions, especially for Braiden's backstory.

I've forwarded your notes to Mike and his staff. I want to reiterate what we talked about today. You're adding details but not dimension. I'm glad that your character is now capable of feeling and forming believable relationships, but we still need to know who this person is---not just things about them. I'm seeing a painting where I need a photograph. We need more from you.

That being said, I've seen tremendous strides with each revision. You're a truly talented writer, and I only aim to ensure your work is reflective of that talent. I'm certain Braiden's character will only continue to improve.

Please remember we have a meeting with Mike on Thursday.

See you then,


. . .

to: weston.maguire@baderu.com

from: cassandra.belford@baderu.com

subject: Thank you

sent: February 2, 2017 at 10:48am

Dear Weston,

I sincerely appreciate your efforts; your emails have been helpful.

Julie and Mike (my editor) are already seeing an improvement in the notes I'm sending them. I've liked reading your emails---you've obviously got a talent for storytelling.

Moving forward, I'm hoping to get a better idea of your interests outside of athletics. I'd like to know a bit about your favourite movie, book, musical artist/band, television show, podcast etc.

I'd like to get a better sense of what you do in your spare time.

Thank you,


. . .

to: cassandra.belford@baderu.com

from: weston.maguire@baderu.com

subject: Re:Thank you

sent: February 2, 2017 at 6:34pm


Holy shit, that was almost an email! You know, you don't write nearly as much as I'd expected a writer to write.

I'm just kidding around, I'm totally content with my handful of sentences. I'm happy to hear that my emails are being put to good use. I'm enjoying the writing actually. It's a good way to earn money.

Have I mentioned that this job is the most interesting way I've made cash? This is coming from someone who worked on a ferret farm for a week.

No joke, Pete and I spent a couple of months in eastern Europe last summer. We met up with Lena and her family in Poland for a few weeks. Towards the last few weeks we started to run out of money, so we took jobs cleaning out the ferret cages. It was fucking terrible. It was only two days, but I'll never forget the smell.

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