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Texts Sent on March 16, 2017 at 2:38pm

Simon Idzik: I just got the weirdest text from Sarah. She says you're at the library with "a hunk" and she's under the impression that it's some kind of study date.

Simon Idzik: Should I be upset over the fact that my girlfriend referred to another guy as a hunk?

Simon Idzik: I don't think I care. Hunk sounds like a way to measure cheese.

Simon Idzik: More importantly, are you okay being around him?

Simon Idzik: Cass?

Cassie Belford: I'm making friends outside of you, as per your suggestion. I'm having a nice time.

Simon Idzik: Is this the hockey player? Sarah wasn't sure.

Cassie Belford: Yes, why?

Simon Idzik: Call me if you need anything.

. . .

to: cassandra.belford@baderu.com

from: weston.maguire@baderu.com

subject: Good to see you

sent: March 16, 2017 at 10:52pm

Hey Cassie,

It feels strange to be emailing after hanging out with you. I'm getting in my own head a little bit, if I'm being totally honest. I even struggled with how to start this email. "Hi Cassie" seemed too formal, and "Hey Cass" felt too forward. I think I struck a good balance though, don't you?

It was really nice re-meeting you.

In some ways, I felt like I already knew you. But there was a lot I couldn't know from your emails or that one party three years ago. For example, I'd never thought about your height before. I mean, you're taller than Lena (most people are) but you're shorter than some of the words you throw around. I also didn't know that you drink so much water. You refilled that giant bottle twice in three hours.

If you drank that much milk, you'd probably be taller.

And I hope it's okay to say this, but I got such a kick out of your laugh. It's crazy fucking cute. I didn't even care that you were only laughing because I mispronounced the word 'nuisance' (to be fair I've only ever seen it written, and I was trying to impress you.)

I know you already said no, but I still think we should exchange phone numbers. While I sort of understand what you meant about "boundaries", I think texting would be so much faster than email. And then maybe we could bump into each other more often.

After you left the library, I stayed for a couple of hours trying to get some work done. I don't know about you, but I wasn't very productive this afternoon. I ended up finishing the paper on JFK and citing half of it, so I'm gonna meet the due date. That's a big relief.

I'd told Mel that I'd meet her at her place after I finished. She wanted to watch a movie and introduce me to her roommates. I went because I said I would, but even the walk over there felt forced. I couldn't help but think about everything Peter and Lena had said about relationships and investment.

What was stopping me from investing in someone like Mel? I know you aren't a fan, but she's pretty awesome. She's smart, she's fun, and she's gorgeous. She also does pretty good Spongebob imitations. It's not like I don't like her. But I was trying so goddamn hard to convince myself that she's what I want. I watched her, instead of the movie, and I was completely fixated on that word you used in the library. Apathetic.

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