I Need A Vacation pt. 1375

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"Not good enough."

Gun shots were heard, but that was only Reborn releasing his anger into the sky. Skull almost squeaked at that, only the fact that his sky was near stopped him (and just barely too).

Ozora sighed as much as she could as a fox and laid her head down. She felt a hand on her head start to pet her. The fox purred at the hand.

"She seems to be friendly," Fon's voice rang out from above her. Ozora has a feeling (ding there goes my intuition telling me I am right Fon is the one petting me). She opened her eyes to see a baby in red in front of her. Skull was now in a three-way argument with Reborn and Colonello (whoops make that four Lal joined).

Verde walked over to her and examined the sky. He hummed and then wrote something (where the fuck did he get the fucking notebook bigger than himself?!?!). He then repeated this process a few times.

"Muu... I sense mist flames from you." The mist acrobaleno floated over. Ozora nodded before using her mist flames to write out, "I am a misty sky... I am glad you found a sky." She made it where only Mammon would see it.

They seemed shock and asked with mist flames how Ozora knew that. The sky only responded with, "Sky acrobaleno. It is my job to care for you guys, so I always make sure you are okay. Don't worry, I won't say anything when you vanish."

Mammon placed a hand on her head and said out loud, "This sky acrobaleno is priceless," before disappearing. Honestly, they didn't care what the meeting was supposed to be about and didn't care to stay as they had technically showed up.

Fon chuckled in amusement, and he started to pet her again (when did he stop?). She whined at him. Verde paused in his studying to say, "Do you get more animallike when you are in that form?"

Skull paused his arguing to snort and say, "She whines as a human too."

Ozora narrowed her eyes and started to hum Enter Sandman (as in you better sleep with one eye open and grip your pillow right because you are in for an endless night). Skull paled and petted her paw softly, "Sorry, mein himmel."

Ozora snorted as much as she could as a fox. Verde ignored their interact and just asked another question.

"No I don't know (nor do I want to) what it is like to be in heat." Skull snorted at her answer and added, "Instead she has mastered the art of being a pervert."

Ozora simply put the words, "Fuck you."

Skull smirked, "Of course you want to."

"You two have an interesting relationship." Fon interrupted her flames from writing a respond, intrigued. Ozora gave him an innocent look before writing out, "I might have influenced him... Along with one of my mist."

Verde suddenly paused in his writing to ask, "What elements have you bonded with?" (and the other three stopped arguing amount themselves when they heard the question)

"Mein himmel has bonded with two mists, another that isn't a regular element, and a cloud, yours truly."

Verde contemplated something before nodding in agreement.

"We should bond."

The sky's eyes widen, and she could hear Skull spluttering. (I don't think that is how that works stop proving my mary-sueness I want to ignore it as much as I can)

Someone growled (I am going to ignore the fact that Reborn did that).

"So why we a the meeting called?" Skull awkwardly asked to divert everyone's attention to something (hopefully) more manageable. "And who called it?"

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