(Request) Ticklish

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Prompt: Hi its me again. Im sorry to leave a request so soon but iI was wondering if you could do one where connor finds out his human s/o is tickilish and decides to test it out?


Connor was familiar with what humans called 'tickling'. It was a strange mixture of the brain liking the feeling and feeling threatened, which is why when a human tries to tickle itself it usually doesn't work because the brain knows it's not a threat. He was sitting on the couch as (Y/N), his girlfriend, played on the floor with Sumo. He was watching two of his favorite mammals play with a soft smile present on his face when Sumo licked her face and she laughed.

"Stop, you're tickling me," she playfully chided, making the dog bark. Connor squinted at her. (Y/N)'s ticklish? She may have been joking, or perhaps she wanted an excuse for Sumo to stop licking her face. Earlier he was cleaning his hind quarters and Connor wouldn't want that on his face either.

Sumo ran off to chase something and (Y/N) fell onto the couch next to her android. She turned to look at Connor to see his eyes already on her. "Hey," she said.

"Are you ticklish?" he asked, tilting his head. She scoffed.

"Of course not." That's a lie.

"Are you sure about that?" He faced his body towards her and she scooted away.

"Yeah, why would I be-" Her words dissolved into laughter as Connor attacked her sides with light touches. The common ticklish spots on humans were: underarms, sides, feet, and neck, so Connor decided to try each out. His right hand trailed down her leg to reach her feet, but she kicked to keep her foot away out of his reach.

He smiled as she gasped for breath, her eyes shining with tears. He finally managed to tickle her feet and she laughed harder, squirming to get away. He straddled her to keep her from escaping and went for her armpits next. She squeezed her arms to her sides to try and protect the spot so he went for her neck. (Y/N) hunched her shoulders and put her chin to her chest, forming a double chin. Connor's hand became trapped under her chin and she smirked. He couldn't do anything with a hand trapped and no targets within his reach.

But (Y/N) wasn't prepared for his sneak attack!

He leaned down to capture her lips, and when her defenses were down, he attacked her underarms. She laughed, breaking the kiss, and tried to push him off. He allowed himself to be shoved back and she climbed on top of him, pinning his arms above his head.

"No more," she said lowly, glaring. He looked up at her innocently and soon her angry facade disappeared, replaced by a smile. "Are androids ticklish by any chance?"

"No." Something wet touched (Y/N)'s leg and she looked down to see Sumo had the toy she threw in his mouth. She let go of one of his wrists to grab the toy, and while her attention was on throwing the toy he tried to tickle her. She dodged his hand but tipped too far and fell off the couch.

As his human was groaning on the floor Connor laughed. "That's it? You're just gonna laugh at me?" (Y/N) glared up at him.

"Would you like help up?" he asked.

"Yes." He offered his hand and she grabbed it, yanking him down on top of her. She tried to push him off but he didn't move. "Well fudge." Sumo trudged over and dropped his toy next to her head, waiting for her to throw it again.

"Why did you lie about being ticklish?" Connor asked. (Y/N) looked up at him, wondering why he thought now was the time to discuss this.

"Because otherwise you'd tickle me."

"But I tickled you anyway."

She shrugged. "Yeah, usually people don't believe me and try it anyway. Most of the time they don't do it right so I can pretend it doesn't tickle me until they stop." [Once someone tried to tickle me and they shoved their hand in my armpit as far as it could go. It hurt, no ounce of tickle in it.] "Now, the dog wants to play, so perhaps you could...?"

"Right." Connor stood and (Y/N) sat up, grabbing the toy and tossing it. Sumo didn't chase it. (Y/N) shot him a confused look before going to retrieve it while the Saint Bernard watched. When she got back she dropped it in front of him and sat next to Connor. He subtly scooted closer, and when she noticed she shook her head rapidly.

"No...Connor, no..." When he turned to face her she jumped over the arm of the couch and sprinted away, the android hot on her heels. Hank spotted the now open spot and settled down; Sumo joined him. As he turned on the curved television he heard (Y/N)'s screams begging Connor not to tickle her. Kids these days, he thought bitterly as he sipped his beer.

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