Faulty Prototypes

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This was written on my phone so that's why it's not as good (at least that's what we're going to blame it on).

CyberLife made two prototype detective androids, one 'male' by the name Connor and the other a 'female' by the name (Y/N). The two were sent together to help the investigation into android deviancy, meaning Lieutenant Hank Anderson had double the fun at crime scenes.

Hank grumbled an insult under his breath, glaring at the two of you from across his desk. Neither of you were fazed; humans didn't like androids and the Lieutenant made it clear he despised you the second you met. There was only one desk for the two of you so while Connor took the seat already there you wandered around to find an extra chair. You saw Connor attempting to start a friendly conversation with the alcoholic and ran the numbers to see how successful he'd be. Not very probable.

You found an unoccupied metal folding chair and asked the closest human if it was alright for you to take it. They just shrugged and went back to what they were doing. You picked it up and walked back to your partners, seeing they weren't communicating anymore. Connor turned to you and his look told you how bad the conversation went. You set the folding chair down but stayed standing.

"Should we go see how the interrogation of the deviant is going?" You asked. Hank didn't answer, just stood and headed for the interrogation room. You exchanged a look with Connor before following.

The humans were getting nowhere with the android—they couldn't inflict the correct kind of blow—so Connor stepped up. They let him take over as you stayed with Reed, Anderson, and a few others. Before Connor approached the African American android he analyzed it, then faced the one-way mirror. You knew he was looking for you, and you gave an encouraging smile though he couldn't see it. Connor turned back to the android and began the interrogation.

You would've hated to be that android. Connor got really scary—not that you could be scared—and the deviant's stress level rose significantly. In the end he got a confession, much to the humans' surprise.

"I'm done," Connor announced, standing from his seat and heading for the door. Cops came in to take care of the deviant and you walked over to talk to Connor when the deviant smashed its head continuously into the table. They tried to stop it from self destruction but weren't able, so they uncuffed it. It immediately took the gun from the cop and shot Connor then itself.

Software Instability

You stared at the blue blood leaking onto the floor. Connor was destroyed. You reported this to CyberLife and they went to work on another as you faced Lieutenant Anderson. He seemed to be shocked.

"Until another Connor arrives, I'll be your only partner," you said.

"You don't care your buddy just died?" the Lieutenant spat.

"It was unfortunate the RK800 was destroyed, but another will be on its way shortly." It wasn't in your programming to feel lose, so this strange feeling you were getting was just a bug. Your system will take care of it soon enough. The Lieutenant 'tsk'd and pushed past you out the door. Did he expect you to care about a machine?

You sat on your folding chair at the desk you shared with Connor. Lieutenant Anderson hadn't arrived yet so you two sat there waiting for him. Since that interrogation a week ago you'd found yourself doubting what you knew. Were you truly just a machine? Yes, that's what your program said, but then why were you getting these feelings that resembled human emotions? You weren't supposed to feel, so why was it happening?

"(Y/N)." You looked up at Connor. "Would you prefer the comfy chair?" He motioned to the chair he usually sat in, which was much more comfortable than the hard metal you were used to.

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