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Bella's POV

"Connor, please slow down." I pleaded from the back seat, struggling to sit back up after he had pushed me in. 

"I told you to move." He said simply, continuing to speed. 

"Connor, please..." I whimpered. I noticed him glance at the rearview mirror, looking at me. Slowly but surely, the car's speed decreased. "Thanks." I mumbled, sitting up. 

 He grumbled out a gruff, "You're welcome."

10 minutes later

"Connor Michaels, I demand you stop this car at once." I snapped sounding oddly like my mum. He glared at me and continued to drive, picking up a little speed if I may say. For the past ten minutes, I have been trying to get him to let me off on the side of the road so that I could walk home. After him repeatedly saying no, I had climbed into the passenger seat so that I could pester him some more.

"Why not?" I demanded, crossing my arms angrily.

"I'm not leaving you on the side of the road, Bella." He snapped, not taking his eyes off of the road.

"WHY NOT?!" I shrieked, throwing my arms up in the air. "That way you could drive wherever and I would be able to go back to the SAFETY of my own house!"

Suddenly he pulled over onto the side of the empty road, slamming his brakes in the process. My breathing hitched as he turned to look at me, moving closer.

"What makes you think you're not safe with me?" He asked, anger lining his every word.

"I- I mean, well... You..." I struggled to find the right words. Normally I would have just said , 'You're the badass playboy who has been arrested so many times before... Nothing about you is safe.' But he was obviously still pissed about what happened with his dad, so making things worse, sooo not my intention.

"Never mind," I muttered, staring straight ahead.

"I'm not moving this car until you tell me." He snapped, glaring at me. Wow... Stubborn much?

"Just ignore it-"

"Stop being such a pussy."

That did it.

"You are a complete douchebag who uses girls and is constantly being arrested. You wouldn't believe the amount of people who told me to stay away from you. You're dangerous- therefore, I'm not safe." I finished my rant while not turning to look at him once. My heart was beating rapidly as I waited for a response.

Then I heard it- a deep chuckle. I looked up in surprise at Connor. He was staring at me, something twinkling in his eyes as he laughed.

"Why- why are you laughing?" I asked, astonished.

"You're the only girl who's ever told me off." He finally said when he had finished laughing. I couldn't help but crack a small smile Honestly, I was expecting Connor to flip a shit.

"You hungry?" He asked. I glanced at the clock, noticing that it was now eleven o'clock. We had left nearly two hours ago, having driven for a while.

"No." I replied, just as my stomach decided to do a very realistic impersonation of a starving bear. Connor let out another laugh and started heading down a road filled with multiple restaurants and coffee shops.

"Here we are." Connor announced, pulling into the almost empty parking lot. I looked up to see a cute coffee shop in front of me.

"I used to go here a lot when I was younger," he explained as we sat down in the empty booth.

Being the Bad Boy's Victim [SAMPLE: Available for purchase on Amazon]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα