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In The Kite Runner, we say many examples of betrayel and loyalty. Hassan is Amir's best friend who has always remained loyal, we see this in small ways in the first few chapters of the book. From allowing Amir to talk to him in any manner to protecting him from Assef. But as the book progresses and the day of the Kite Tournament arrives, a significant event occurs.

Amir and Hassan win the Kite Tournament but as Amir goes off to tell is father, Hassan chases after the last kite as the prize to truly impress Amir's dad. While Amir is gone, Hassan is chassed by Assef, a local bully. Assef and two of his friends trap Hassan in an alley. Amir is at the end where he stops. Assef asks for the kite but when Hassan says no out of loyalty to Amir, Assef rapes him. Amir was given the opportunity to stop him but out of fear of what Assef would do to him, he allows this to happen to Hassan. Does Amir ever truly atone for his sins?

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