Characters Contrast and Comparison

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The book centers around our character Amir and his relationship and past with Hassan, his childhood best friend who he later finds out was his half brother but aside from being brothers and close friends they couldn't be any more different with the exception of having the same father. Hassan is loyal, caring and puts everyone first while Amir is opposite. Hassan was brave, always taking care of Amir and protecting him despite being a Hazar, that making him "lower" in everyone elses eyes.

When Amir betrays Hassan by allowing a horrible act to happen to him, he feels he can't face him. We see something similar in a movie called "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas" when Bruno, the main character who is also a child, makes friends with Shmuel, a boy in a concentration camp. Shmuel comes to works where Bruno lives one day to clean. Bruno decides to offer him food as he sees how hungy the other child is but as Shmuel eats a soldier who works for Brunos father comes in catches him. He begins to yell and ask why he stole food. When Shmuel begins to explain what happened, Bruno calls him a liar and says he had no idea. Both Bruno and Amir didn't know what the consequences of these betrayals could lead to. Hassan and Shmuel both had to experience pain just for being "lower" compared to other people. What would be other examples of this in history?

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