Discrimination Issues

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This issue over time has become better but the LGBT+ community still faces discrimination today, whether it be in the work place to shopping in a grocery store. Many people still feel threatened to hold their partners hand in public or use the bathroom of their choice in fear of how others will respond. Often denied service for their sexuality being displayed with a peck on the cheek or a simple gesture of hand holding. Many teenagers are also thrown out of their homes for their identity, about 40% of homeless youth are from the LGBT+ community. Hate crimes against the LGBT+ community date back until 1969 up until last March. These just being the crimes that were reported. People being violently attacked for something they can't help. Aside from crimes being committed towards the people directly, we can only imagine how the famlies of these victims must feel.

In The Kite Runner we see there being two types of muslims, our main character Amir being friends with Hassan, a muslim who was viewed as lower than others. Something he couldn't help. For that, he is bulled, later in the story raped and as we come to find out, in a way, abandoned by his biological father. His father also being Amirs. His father was too ashamed of what people would say if they had known he had a Hazara son, due to that, he decided to keep it secret. Though being Hazara Muslim made things difficult for Hassan, we also notice how his father felt the need to hide the truth from everyone. When Hassan leaves, we see this also affected his biological father. These two forms are discrimination we see hurts people directly for something they can not help and we also see how it affects the people who live with them and know them. How can we today help not only these two types of discrimination but also sexism, racism etc come to end?

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