three // challenge

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When Aries finally came to, his body felt oddly warm compared to the frigid temperatures from earlier. Night had fallen, submerging every inch of the clearing in choking darkness.

He was surprised that they hadn't found and killed him yet. Perhaps he could just wait until they did. At least the unbearable pain flooding through his body would be gone and he could see his family and friends again.

He choked back a sob at the mere thought of his friends and his family, rising shakily to his feet. There was no moon that night, and the stars above provided little to no light. He gently touched his injured wrist, gasping in pain at the slightest touch.

Chewing on his bottom lip, he narrowed his eyes and surveyed the vegetation surrounding the meadow. Perhaps they were here and just waiting for him to feel safe.

He applied weight to the leg that had been hit, feeling that the pain had somewhat subsided. Sighing in relief, he began walking towards the opposite side of the clearing.

Once again, however, he froze. The same voices from earlier were back, and now in the bushes that he had just been observing.

Jumping back in surprise, Aries tensed and stared in the direction of the voices. They were only about five feet from where he stood.

"Show yourself," His voice was even worse than earlier, and he had to repeat himself. "Come out."

The bushes rustled as two full-grown men exited. Shadows were cast over their faces, hiding their features as they slowly moved closer. Aries instantly recognized them as the ones that he had been trying so hard to escape from.

This is it, he thought.

This is where I die.

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