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Mama knight tells us, and I furrow my eyebrows, "Even my phone?"

"Even your phone."She tells me and I nod.

"Mom."Kendall questions, with a look on his face, and I elbow him in the ribs scowling at him to be nice, "ow!"

"I also brought your Jammies."She hands the guys PJ's to Kendall,  and Kendall smacks them onto James's chest.

"Mom."Kendall groans, "Ok, have fun."

Kendall goes to grab the duffel bag, when Mama knight stops him.

"Katie get out of the duffel bag your not staying."I furrow my eyebrows, until the duffel bag zips open, and Katie comes out, "Fine."

"Well I did not see that coming." Katie hops in the back as the guys apologizes.

All the guys run in, while I stay behind a bit, "we both know they're going to do something, so if they get out of hand, call me."

I nod, giving Mama knight a wide smile, thanking her for the ride,  before walking into the mansion, to find the guys already gone..

I drop my bag, pulling out my song book and pen, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Guys?"I call out, and Kendall comes barreling out of the Media room.

"Oh no."i groaned, walking back to the counter and pulled out all of my school work before working on it

You see, I've Mansion sat before, when Kelly and Gustavo were out looking for new talent, I came by daily to make sure everything was set.

i was alone for awhile, which was nice before it was interpreted by the one person i didn't want to talk to.

"Whatcha working on?"kendall asked as he walked in, and i kept quiet.

"you're not gonna talk to me?"i asked, and i sighed, scribbling on my paper in frustration.

"it's what i do best right? avoiding my problems?"i mumbled, not really wanting to talk about any of this right now.

"you don't want to talk to me right now do you?"he asked, and i shook my head before i heard him walk off.

i eventually took a break from my work, and climbed gustavo counter to grab a cup, making a mental note to disinfect it later.

while i was coming down, i lost my footing, and let go of the glass to keep myself up


glass shattered all over the floor, and i was in a squat position on the counter to make sure i didn't get any glass in my feet on get cut.

at once, all four of the guys came bolting into the kitchen, and i sighed.

"i'm fine but i need help getting down."i told them, and they came closer to me, and i stopped them.

"there's a broom in the closet if you can get that please."i asked and carlos went to grab it as kendall helped me down.

this night wasn't going to end well.


the guys and i stood in front of gustavo fridge, and i looked at them with a warning look

"Why do you think Gustavo locks his fridge?"Kendall Asks, as I sit on the bar stool, while the other four look at the fridge.

"Don't even try to open it!"I demand but Kendall just gives me an evil grin.

"I bet he keeps his heart in there." James guesses.

"Or his victims."Logan throws in his guess, earning a plastic cup thrown at his head from me, the cup coming from Gustavo's soda Machine hotspot, "ow!"

"Or food."The guys faces light up, and I shake my head going back to the song at hand.

"Only one way to find out."kendall shrugs, and Logan stops him.

"Woah woah woah are you crazy, remember house sitting rule number two?"The guys look up in a day dream and I just shake my head.

"That is not what he said!"Logan argues, and I sigh, looking at the boys.

"Yes it was!"The other three argue, and Logan looks at me pleading for help.

"You do it, I swear to god I'll pull all your ears til they're red, Mama knight Gave me permission!"I threaten, and the guys go pale, but Carlos doesn't listen to me anyway for the hell of it and goes back to the lock and chain on the fridge.

"Step aside boys! My uncle was a locksmith, you just place your hands between the cylinder and the central housing,"Carlos disappears, and next thing I know he has a sledgehammer, "and then hit it with a sledgehammer!"

Carlos breaks the lock and my eyes go wide, "Carlos!"

The boys open up the fridge to something i never would've expected, but is my one of my food weaknesses.


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