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School finished a few hours ago and I have been at home warming up for the fight I have tonight.

Chance  is like my manager. Tells me when I have a fight, tells me my opponent and their weaknesses, strong points and their timing.

I do the rest.

The place I fight at is a place called Underground Grounders. It's also a gym so if the cops were to come it would be alright and no one would get into trouble.

Each Monday, Wednesday and Friday is called Fight Night because those nights you can come and watch a boxing match, the other nights it's just a gym to practice.

When you come you can set bets on what opponent you think is going to win. The fighter gets have that money and the winning cash.

Since I started I haven't lost a fight yet. But no one knows who I am. I wear big baggy hoodies to make it seem that I'm a guy. I also have this voice changer, it's not visible though it sticks to the top of my mouth which the retainer keeps in place.

Declan finally comes through the door and through a me a hoodie and my voice changer along with my retainer.

"Let's go." I nod and we leave.

We drive around for a bit, taking wrong turns here and there (Declan still doesn't know the way) but eventually we make it to the Underground Grounders.

When we get there, I throw my hoodie on and put my retainer in.

"Ok your going up against this guy called 'Bear', watch his footing and shoulder movements,"

"Find his weak points, strike there, got it?"

I nod, he then pushes me towards the ring, where I'm fighting this supposedly 'Bear' guy. When he comes into view, I can see why they call him bear.

He had mocha skin,  hazel coloured eyes and has wide shoulders that hold a lot of muscle.

"It's about time you showed up Bryd."

That's what they call me, I don't know why but it's sounded out like this- Brrrrrr eeeee dddddd- I find it suits me so I haven't changed it since I started fighting.

"Well better late than ever." I commented back.

"Whatever. Let's start so I can take you down."

We looked at the ref who brought down the mic.

"Welcome, lady's and gents, to tonight's Fight night!"

The crowd cheered, the ref continued.

"If everyone could look at the Bet Board you will see who the crowd wants to win more."

We turned to the Bet Board and 'Bear' had a least a thousand more dollars bet on him. I shook my head and turned to him.

"Today we have Bear," the ref lifted up his hand. "V.S," he came up to me and lifted my hand. "Bryd."

The crowd cheered for the both of us, then it went quiet as the lights turned of and only focused on the ring.

The ref gout out of the ring just as the bells were signalled.

I look to his footing to see, he put his left foot before his right foot.

Lefty I thought.

I than looked at his shoulder movements to see that his right shoulder moved before his left.


Normally left moves with left but not with him.

I threw a punch to his left shoulder. When he jerked that way I shoved him the other, I then punched him on the right side.

Before I could punch his right, he caught my hand in his and held it with a tight grip. He then punched me square in the jaw.

I jerked back. He threw a lot of power into that punch. Maybe he won't have enough to keep him till the end.

I push the pain aside, like I always do. Leave it to be felt later.

I strangle out of his hold and took two steps back as he took two steps forward. He threw a punch and I dodged it easily.

I swung around him and punched his back, when he turned around,I uppercut his head then hit him three more times, until he fell.

The announcer came on stage and counted to ten, when Bear didn't get up, the winner was congratulated.

He walked up to me and I gave him my arm.

"And the winner of tonight's match is Bryd!"

The crowd cheered as I walked off stage and back to the change rooms.

The pain I pushed aside during the match came back, but felt 10x worse then the first time around.

"Hey, that was a pretty nasty hit. Are you ok?" Declan asked, concern lacing his voice.

"Ya, just need a ice pack."

"Here." He handed me a ice pack as i was changing my shoes.

"Do I have a race today?" I ask after some time.

"It was rescheduled."


"The challenger had some family issues going on, so he rescheduled."


"Ready to go?"

I nodded and got up and put my hoodie back on.

As we walked out there was another fight happening.

I looked to see someone I went against (and won) and another person I recognized?......

Who is that. I couldn't place my finger on it, but when our eyes connected I knew immediately that it was Logan.

It was only for a brief moment but I still caught on to his blue eyes. He looked away and punched the guy who fell right after.

He was announced the winner but I was already gone, out the door, he can not find out I was here let alone know I was Bryd.

I got in the car and Declan drove off in the direction of our house.

By the time we got there, it as two in the morning, way past my bedtime.


But it was still pretty late and I have school tomorrow.

Wow I must be really tired to care about school.

That's funny, caring about school.

That was my last thought before my head hit the bed and almost immediately fell asleep.


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