Orange juice in German

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So the fight from last week was postponed until today. It's tonight, and I have to win, I just have to.

I'm still on edge about what my father said. What if he does tell the police and they believe him over me? I've seen police at the ring, sometimes their in the ring.

Sure they're there to make sure it doesn't get out of hand along with the rings own bodyguards, even if it is an illegal thing and they know about it, they don't snitch.

No I can't think about this right now.

I jump into the shower turning it to a reasonable temperature and jump in with a sigh.

And what about Logan? Will he be there? Well obviously. But we've been getting closer somehow. The little bugger figured out how. What if he notices something about me while I'm fighting?

Gosh Kristen, it's only been like a month? Maybe a month in a half since we met him. You getting yourself to hyped up about something that's probably not even going to happen.

I need to get my mind off of this topic. It's to unhealthy to be thinking this hard in the morning.

Let's try and think of some other things. Things that have nothing in common with an illegal underground fighting arena with fighters from this town and sometimes from other towns or cities, make that even country's!

I turn the tap off as the water starts getting cold. That is another thing that sucks about living in this old shabby house.

You have about six minutes before your nice warm water turns into fricking Antarctica. Also get this, if both me and Chance needed to take a shower on the same day and Chance were to of taken one first then the water would still be cold for me.

So lucky me for getting it first today.

I get out wrapping the black fluffy towel around me after I put on my hair towel and make my way into my room, I quickly close the door and look through my closet looking for a decent outfit to wear.

I slip on my undergarments first after I let my towel fall and continue searching for something to wear.

I walk into the walk in closet. This is the only rich thing about this place. My hands gliding along my pieces of clothing as I walk by.


I scream, like I haven't screamed before. I stumble backwards stepping on a piece of some discarded clothing from days before, making me slip forward. I bracing myself for the impact of the hard ground and my nose, but as cliche as it sounds, it never came.

I look up, still breathing hard, to see, surprise surprise, Logan's face.

"That was rude and disrespectful, as well as very unnecessary!" I practically spit out every word that I can go show how mad I was at him for making me fly for a short few seconds.

"I'm sorry?"

"You better be." I remark back sassily.

I then look back up at him to see his whole face was red. Was he choking or something?

"Dude, you look constipated."

"And Uh... you Uh, look naked?"


He sets me up straight but kept a hand on my wrist. I look down at what his line of vision was looking at to realize I was in my black matching underwear set.

No wonder why I was a bit chilly.

Never mind that. I'm half naked in the middle of my closet with a boy. A boy! Not any boy Logan! My face follows his as my own face heats up and I know I look I was a tomato who somehow could morph into a human.

"Get out Lowgy!" I yell once again as I try shoving him out the door so he stops looking at me.

"Oh right." He starts walking towards the door at a fast pace tripping at one point form how much of a rush he's in.

Just before he walks out though, he turns for one more look.

"You look hot too." If it was even possible, my face was practically an erupting volcano.

I rush to my bed, and get under the covers to not only wake up, but to also hide my body from him. I grab one of my less fluffy pillows and aim it at him.

Hitting him square in the chest.

I giggled then quickly sobered up remembering the situation we were currently in.

"Get out!"

To which he finally complies and rushes out the door before another pillow was thrown at him.

Oh my god. That was so embarrassing.

I want a dog.

Preferably a corgi.

Or a wiener dog.

Both work.

And I want to name it something fun. Something like, Orangensaft.

And yes I know that's Orange juice in German.

Ok woah, don't know how this topic popped into my mind.


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