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Liah pov

"No,Jahseh that's not beef ribs those a pork ribs"I said

"What's the fucking difference?"he asked a bit irritated

"Uh there's a difference between Beef and Pork...idiot"Aiden mumbled

"Ayo shut up before I leave yo little ass here"Jahseh said putting the pork ribs back grabbing the beef ribs

Aiden laughed "And mama would beat you with that spiky belt again"

Jahseh face flushed in embarrassment as I pressed my lips together trying not to laugh.

"Mama ain't never beat me now shut the fuck Up!"Jahseh snapped

"Jahseh don't talk to him like that"I said

He glared at me "He's my brother I can talk to him however the hell I want so mind your fucking business"he snapped at me

"I came here to help you...but fuck it"I walked off leaving the shopping cart behind.I went to go find Stokeley

I found him on the snack aisle with hella snacks in his arms.

"I literally cannot with your friend"I groaned

"What happened?"he asked

"Jahseh..he's just so rude"

Stokeley shrugged "That's just how he is...you'll get use to it"

Ugh I don't wanna get use to it.

Jahseh pov

"This is why things didn't work out with you and Taylor.Your always so mean!"Aiden said before stomping off

I sighed before going after him with the cart.

"Aiden,slow down"I said following him through the store.

As I passed by Aisles I stopped as I heard Liah giggling.I stopped and looked to my left seeing Stokeley all up on Liah and whispering stuff in her ear.

"Okay,Okay Stoke stoooppp"She whined trying to push him off.Even though it looked like she didn't want him to stop.

"Ew...get a fucking room"I said in disgust

"Don't hate"Stokeley said

"Never"I said

I looked at Liah and saw that she was avoiding eye contact with me.

Im not about to apologize,I already apologized once to her and I'm not the type to apologize TO ANYONE.I surprised myself when I did that shit earlier.

"Alright well I think we got everything on the list,y'all ready?"Liah asked

"Yeah...oh shit! Aiden"I said before turning around and run with the cart around the store looking for him

"Aiden!"I yelled

Shit,I lost my little brother.

I looked on literary ALL the aisles.I decided to go to the men's room and BOOM.

There he was standing right there talking to a girl.I couldn't make out who the girl was from a distance,but as I got closer...I noticed


"X...h-hi how are you?"She asked

"I'm good...you?"

"I'm great"she said.I nodded

It's been years since I saw Geneva,she and I use to date...it was until she accused me of beating her up...which I DID NOT DO.Everybody believed her though,the whole town.But once the truth came out she left town and I haven't seen her since...until now.She put me through a lot of stuff.

After all the shit she put me through...I think I still love her.

"Well it was nice to see you...maybe we can go out for lunch one day"She suggests

"Yeah...maybe"I said grabbing Aiden's hand and walking away with the cart.

I walked up to the register where Liah and Stokeley was.

"Man,you got us holding up the line...hurry up"Stokeley said

I went to the line and checked everything out.

I then got a text from my mom

Ma🙄:Did you get the stuff yet?

Me:Yea,Stokeley and our Neighbor came with me

Ma🙄:Are neighbor? As in Liah?


Ma🙄:Oh,she's pretty right?😏


Ma🙄:Okay😂 but put all the stuff up on the kitchen counter for me and I'll be there at 6


"31.47"the cashier said.I payed and we left

"Thanks for helping me"I said to Liah as we got in my car

She nodded and got in the backseat with Stokeley and Aiden got in the front seat.After I put the groceries in the trunk I got in the car and drove home.


6:45 pm

I placed the alcohol covered tissue on my wrist.It was now my 7th time cutting this week.I don't know why I do it...I guess because I'm sad and depressed.every since the whole 'Geneva' incident happened a few years ago,I never was the same.I haven't felt happy in years...I haven't felt anything at all...I feel Numb.

Of course I slept with a few chicks but,I don't care about none of them. Considering the fact that they let me hit after knowing them for only 24 hours...I wouldn't want a girl like that.

I don't even think I can be in a relationship right now.I just can't trust a soul...

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