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Beware of short and unedit chapter:)

Btw you don't have to imagine Liah as the girl I casted her as...pretend like she's you ;)

Liah looked at me with confusion and hurt written all over her face.

"Wait this the dude you was crying over for 3 months?"Corey asked

"Yeah....he took me out to eat-"

"What restaurants did he take you to?"Liah asked Yasmine but her eyes were still on me

"Well the first restaurant was Duffy's... he even took me to this weird ass place...he called 'Make Out Hill' "Yasmine rolled her eyes

Liah eyes widened as tears swelled up in them

"Liah just let me-"

She got up from the table and ran outside.


"You already did remember?!"She yelled back

I went after Liah and saw that she was walking down the road.It was raining really hard the light from the restaurants shined on us. We were at least 8 ft. Apart from each other.

"LIAH JUST LET ME EXPLAIN PLEASE!"I yelled causing her to stop in her tracks.

"Did you take her virginity and leave? That's all I wanna know"her voice cracked

I swallowed "Yes Liah I did"

"She said you did it to other girls too... is that true?"

"Yes...Liah the only reason I did that shit is because I was hurt...the girl I loved played me like a bitch. So I went out and fucked a bunch of girls... I fucked and dipped them but you're different-"

"HOW?"She yelled turning around looking at me

"Duffy's was the first restaurant we went to...You take me to Make out hill all the time!"She added

"I'm sorry...okay? I promised you that I wouldn't hurt you in anyway and I mean that"

"A little too late.."She said turning around and walking away

"Liah!"I walked and got closer to her and grabbed her wrist

"Get off me!"She yelled snatching her arm away

I grabbed her arm again "Liah please I-"

"I need space Jahseh..."


"I need space and time to...think about all of this!"she said before snatching her arm away

"No...you promised me.."I said causing her to stop walking

"Li, you promised me that you'll never leave me..."

"You just promised me that you wouldn't do anything to intentionally hurt me"

"I DIDNT MEAN FOR THIS SHIT TO INTENTIONALLY HAPPEN! I didn't know Yasmine was going to be at the restaurant!"

"You took her virginity and left her-"

"So what?! You actin like I raped her or some shit! It was her choice to decide if she wanted me to take her virginity or not....just like it was your choice to decide if you wanted me to take YOUR virginity"

She remained quiet as a few tears came down her face.

"I love you Liah-"

"Do you really Jahseh?"She asked

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