Chapter Four

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Chapter Four
A couple of hours later and it was time to go home my house was only about three hundred meters down the road and it was pitch black at six o’clock and may I add it was freezing cold. I didn’t want to walk home on my own but it’s not like I could call my mum, I can just imagine it ‘Hey mum it’s Amy just wondering if you could pick me up from Ellie’s because there is some kind of deadly dog slash wolf on the prowl and also I only have eleven months to live thanks bye’ somehow I don’t think she’d believe that. And I wanted to prove to Ellie that I’m not scared- she’s treating me like I have a terminal illness. I buttoned my coat and put my hood up, turned my torch on and waved goodbye to Ellie. Because we’re in a village we don’t have any streetlights and there are no cars go through here so it’s just me and my torch.

I started singing under my breath and trying to ignore all the noises that we’re coming from the trees. There was one noise that made me stop, a rustle of leaves in the forest on my left I didn’t want to look but I couldn’t help it. Pointing the torch into the forest I squinted to concentrate I didn’t see anything, relieved I kept walking. Then it happened again but this time I saw a huge black shadow fly across the floor of the forest in the fog making a loud noise in the leaves, my heart raced and I wanted to get home as soon as possible. Then there were two lights they looked like headlights from a car but closer together, and then I recognized them.

“Shit!” I muttered keeping my eyes on the figure as I walked faster and fasterr. A violent shiver shot down my spine and I ran. It was like it was running with me the whole time I kept glancing back into the forest and it was moving at the same pace as me- my legs wouldn’t move any faster.

I could finally see the lights of our house I glanced to my left, I had passed the last of the trees in the forest  and was now scuttling past a field. There was no sign of the glowing eyes that stalked me all this way. My chest burned after all the running and my legs felt like they were going to collapse beneath me. Shooting down my driveway I finally came to our door, putting all my weight on the door I leant there trying to steady my breathing. That is it! I am never leaving this house again...unless its broad daylight.Suddenly my support was removed and I fell flat on my face through the doorway landing on the carpet. "Urgh," I groaned as my mum hovered over me.

“Oh there you are I saw you run past the window then you just vanished,” she laughed as she peered down at me.

“Yeah…here I am,” I said speaking into the carpet, she grabbed my hand and pulled me up.

“How did you get on with your project?” she enquired

“Okay I suppose, I’m doing a presentation on Paranormal Norfolk.”

“Oooh that sounds like fun there’s something in the newspaper that might be of use,” she said enthusiastically. I took my shoes off and dragged my things to my room when I came downstairs to get a drink mum shouted me over “Here we go it’s on page five” she handed me a newspaper

“Thank you,” I grabbed it and went back up to my room. The lights we’re off and I had my TV on in the background I sat down at my desk and switched on my lamp. Turning the large pages I finally came to page five, the article was quite small.

‘A couple walking across the beach late last night had a shock as they had a sighting of a huge black dog “It was so big I couldn’t believe it “ said Mr Ward who was with his wife at the time of the sighting. He described the eyes as being “haunting” he said they were “yellow and weird looking”. His wife told us she was very scared although it wasn’t close enough to cause any harm she was shaken up just by seeing it.’

It sounded exactly like what I saw...which is good I guess because it means I wasn’t just seeing things and it might have just been something that has escaped from a zoo or farm. Maybe I wasn’t going to die after all.

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