4. Trust ❤

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Narrator's POV

"She's even more beautiful in person" Garcia whispered as she and the team entered the dimly lit hospital room where Aubrey Prentiss laid curled up in a bed beside her mother's, her dark locks cascading down her back as they both slept seemingly comfortable with the help of sedatives. It had been just under an hour since Emily's surgery had ended, and though the operation was prolonged due to complications resulting from massive blood loss she was still holding on, still fighting

As for Aubrey, her injuries were mainly superficial. Bruised wrists as a result of her struggling to break free of her restraints. A mild concussion, and bruised shoulder as a result of her being forcefully shoved into a cement wall, and two fractured ribs as a result of being kicked by one of Doyle's men during her final escape attempt. The doctors had insisted she rest, but it wasn't until she found out that her mother made it through surgery and would be alright that she allowed sleep to overcome her

"How are they?" JJ questioned Hotch who hadn't left the teenager's side since their arrival at the emergency room nearly five hours earlier, leaving the team to stay behind to wrap up the investigation and answer any questions Strauss may have had

"The surgery was touch and go for a while, she lost a lot of blood which caused complications, but as long as she takes it easy for a little while, allow herself time to heal the doctor thinks she'll be alright" He informed the team who all seemed relieved that she'd be okay

"And Aubrey? What about her?" Garcia questioned

"Physically she'll be fine, but the emotional trauma she experienced was enough to haunt any child or adult for a long time coming. I think once the shock wears off she'll need someone to talk to." He replied, his eyes never leaving the two raven-haired women "Prentiss will ensure she has the best care" He assured the analyst

"She has all of us now too," Said Garcia "I'll start looking into child psychologists to find the best one in the area" She offered

"I'm sure Emily would appreciate that" Said Rossi who seemed to be the only one taking note of Hotch's behavior towards the two Prentiss women. Like a man protecting his family, he didn't leave the teenager alone, he defended Emily's choices and even now it seemed apparent by the pillow laid out on the uncomfortable couch beside the bed that he'd planned on spending the night watching over the pair

"You know, I completely understand Emily's decision to keep her daughter away from this part of our lives, from people like Ian Doyle, but for the life of me I don't understand why she didn't at least tell us that she's a mom." said Garcia "Maybe if I had known about her I could have helped find her sooner, prevent her from ever being hurt" She voiced her thoughts aloud

"In all the time we've known her, have you ever known Emily to ask for help?" Asked Spencer "Knowing Emily, she probably felt as if this were her fight and her fight alone" He continued

"The kid curled up in that bed beside hers is proof that we don't know Emily at all" Derek spoke, anger evident in his tone "She knows everything about every one of us and we know nothing about her. The Emily I thought I knew would have never slept with a terrorist" He spat angrily. His raised voice causing Aubrey to stir

"Morgan that's enough" Hotch's tone was dangerously low as he glared at the man standing before him. The glare was enough to make the toughest of men recoil "If you are unable to control your temper I suggest you leave because it's neither the time nor place to address any issues you may have with Emily"

Without another word said Morgan took his unit chief's advice and left the room.

"He has a right to be angry" Reid spoke up "We all do, but all that matter's right now is that both she and her daughter are safe."

"I think it's best you guys come back tomorrow. They've had a long day, the last thing either of them needs is someone unintentionally waking them" said Hotch

"You'll notify us once she wakes?" Asked Rossi

"Of course" He assured the older man "And I understand how you're all feeling right now. Like Reid said everyone has a right to be angry, but for the sake of her daughter can you all allow her time to focus on Aubrey before answering to why she never told you about her?" He questioned

"I think that's understandable" Said JJ

"You're gonna stay to watch over them right?" Asked Garcia "Doyle had lots of connections, and we can't be positive how many guys were there at the warehouse until we talk with Aubrey or Emily"

"I'll be here" said Hotch "Ambassador Prentiss requested I stay with them until she arrives sometime tomorrow" He informed them, though he had no plans on leaving the pair before the request was made. Waiting until the team left Hotch then reclaimed his seat beside the bed, lacing his and Emily's fingers together he placed a kiss on Emily's hand "Goodnight Sweetheart"


"What the hell were you thinking having an outburst like that with Emily's daughter in the room?" JJ questioned Morgan as they joined him in the waiting room "What if she'd woken up to that? Then what?"

"It doesn't bother you that someone we all consider family has been keeping everything that matters to her away from us?" Morgan questioned "Keeping her past with Doyle to herself I understand, but keeping her kid away is something I can't pretend to understand or be okay with. We're her family, but she doesn't trust us"

"I don't think that's true" Said Spencer "Emily's never judged me or my choices, so I won't judge hers. I'm sure she has her reasons for keeping her daughter away, and based on what happened today I'd say she made a pretty good decision in doing that"

"So do I" JJ agreed "I mean I wish I could have met her daughter sooner, but this job isn't something I'd want following me home either and I know that Ian Doyle isn't the only reason we've never met Aubrey." She informed "While going over her CIA files I saw a report dated ten years ago. A suspect followed her home, waited until she slept and snuck into her daughter's bedroom. Aubrey was gone for three days before they were able to locate her. After that she left the CIA and joined the FBI, understandably keeping her daughter apart from her career. She made that choice long before she joined our team, and let's be honest she didn't have the best start with us. Hotch and Gideon didn't trust her, spenc was dealing with his addiction. It took her a while to find her place with the team" She reminded them

"It's been a long day, and Emily won't be awake for a while. We should all head home to rest, she'll still be here tomorrow" said Rossi. Knowing the eldest profiler was right the team followed him out of the ER

To be continued......................................................................... 

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