Say Goodbye to Yesterday Chapter 5

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A week of being cooped up with the kids and Race couldn't wait to get them outside after the storm passed. Jonny, Jessie and Hadji pulled on their coats, hats and gloves, hurrying outside as if afraid their reprieve would be cancelled. Immediately a snow ball fight started and he watched from the porch as they laughed and seemed more like young children than teenagers.

"Looks like they're having fun." Marari joined him. She looked warm in her long coat with a colorful scarf tied around her head.

"They are," he agreed.

"I hear we're due for more snow."

He nodded. "This is lull before the next system goes through."

"Have you ever been snowed in?" She didn't sound concerned, only curious.

"Now and again. We keep the pantry well stocked and have a generator."


"Seen Dr. Quest this morning?" He'd checked the doc's room and knew his bed hadn't been slept in.

"I haven't."

"Guess I should have checked his office." At least he knew where his employer hadn't spent the night.

"From the look of the kitchen, I'd say the kids ate cereal for breakfast."

He felt guilty about the mess they'd left. "I'll have them clean it up after they come in."

"I noticed you have a crockpot. How does stew sound for dinner?"

"Good." He glanced at the door noticing it had opened. Dr. Quest exited, bundled up and pulling on his gloves. "Morning, Doc."

"Morning, Race, Marari."

She smiled at Dr. Quest. "Morning."

A snowball flew past Race and landed on the Doc's coat. All activity stopped in the yard. The Doc glanced at the white stuff, brushed it off, and grinned. "You shouldn't have done that." Kneeling down he made his own and let it go with great accuracy. It nailed Jonny.

"Oh, no you don't." Suddenly all three ganged up on Dr. Quest.

"I think he needs some help." Marari made a small batch and joined the fight.

Race figured why not and joined in on the fun.

The fight lasted several minutes until they were all laughing and trying to brush the cold wet off their coats.

"Inside everyone," Race ordered. "Get dried off and go sit by the fireplace."

The temperature had dropped and he could see the gray clouds building. Looked like the next storm had arrived early and best place for them would be inside. The kids reluctantly headed for the door, while Dr. Quest stayed outside, Marari with him.

Race figured he'd check the generator just in case the power went out. It didn't happen often, but he knew from experience, it could.


Benton couldn't remember the last time he'd been involved in a snowball fight. In fact, he couldn't recall if he had ever joined Jonny and Rachelle outside after a snowstorm, even to build a snowman or make snow angels.

"You okay, Benton?" Marari placed her hand on his arm. "You should come inside. It's getting colder."

"I took Jonny on missions with me when he was younger." He hadn't actually answered her question.

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