Say Goodbye to Yesterday Chapter 6

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 "How was New York?" Colonel Sheppard asked when Marari stuck her head in his office.

"You've added some art work." She pointed at the movie posters on the wall. He'd framed three, The Last Starfighter, Star Wars and Back to the Future, the latter of which Rodney had a few things to say about the inaccuracy of the science.

"Yeah." John grinned. She wondered why his black hair always looked like he'd forgotten to comb it. "You didn't answer my question."

Wordlessly she showed him her ring. He whistled. "Congratulations."

"Thanks. I'd appreciate it if you didn't make a big deal out of it."

"You know me."

"You're right I do." She changed the subject. "I've heard Dr. Jackson is back."

"His normal lab. Has a chalkboard up and I don't think he slept last night."

"Shouldn't let him get away with that."

"I have a whole city full of brilliant scientists, linguists and about any other specialty you can name. I can't baby sit them all."

"And working all hours accomplishes more than keeping the normal nine to five?"

"Most get so wrapped up in their own work I think sometimes they forget to eat."

"They do." Marari thought of the number of times she'd brought Benton food while he worked in his lab. He always seemed so startled, as if the hours had no meaning. "Guess I'd better head down and see if he needs any help."

"Thought your cousin needed your help this week."

She shook her head. "The senate is taking a few extra days before they meet again. When I spoke to him this morning, he was reading bills and deciding what to vote for."

"Has he decided if he's going to run for president?"

"Still thinking. A few polls we've run indicate he'd probably get elected, even if he runs on a third party ticket." She laughed. "He wants to name his party The Sons of Liberty." She knew why and thought it a good compliment to men who had founded the United States.

"Interesting choice."

"You have no idea." She ducked out, heading down the metal stairs toward the main control room. Rodney and Zelinka had their laptops open, cross referencing, whatever they were working on. She waved at them both and took the main hallway leading toward the lab area. Most of the doors were open with scientists working on projects, napping or loudly discussing and in some cases arguing over their ideas.

At Daniel Jackson's lab, she lightly knocked before entering. He glanced at her, a book in one hand and a piece of chalk in the other. She glanced at what he was transcribing, realizing he still hadn't completed the translation he'd sent to her and Benton a few weeks ago.

"That's wrong," she said, picking up chalk and crossing out what he'd written. "This should be Ring of the Lords."

"How do you know?" He put the book down on his desk and came to stare at the change.

"Not sure. Like you this seems familiar, yet I don't know why."

"It's similar to ancient Egyptian, but there are twists and odd symbols."

"Wait a minute," something clicked in her memory. "My parents had a book with this writing in it."

"What? That's not possible. We found this on PX-1138. Natives said strangers left it there before they continued on a long journey."

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