Part 84

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I havnt checked the part...if there is any mistake let me know...


Manik steps inside..n looks back to see the girl closes the door...

He gets nervous seeing the dark corridor n he being alone with a girl... N over that the romantic songs are playing behind...

He doesn't know what to do...

The girl ask him to follow her...n he having no option follows her leaving last glance at the door...

To make sure where to run incase he is trapped...

He follows her in corridor looking at every small thing kneely... To find any trap...

But suddenly his eyes blinks with the dim lights which suddenly came in a view when they turns to left...

When he makes his vision clear...his eyes goes wide with a shock.. Nervousness..n dont know what...

Its like he has come to an some small bar...

The red, purple, pink, green, blue n different colours of light has made the room beautiful giving it a look of bar..

There is small bar to the left side...where girl is making drinks...

Manik gulps the lump in his throat nervously...

N looks at the other stuff...

Where he can find a small cosy coach in the middle...some chairs n table here n there...n the huge chandeliers hanging up in the middle...

The girl turns towards him n smiles..

Girl: i hope u liked our arrangements..

Manik looks at her nervously....

He roams his eyes to whole room once again...n back to the girl..

He looks at her from top to bottom... To get any hint...of lust or smirks.. But find her genuinely smiling at him...standing their in expectations of his answer..

He just nodds...

Girl smiles brightly...

Girl: thank you.. Sir.. Come.. Let me take you to your seat...

She without waiting for Manik's answer walks towards the coach..

While Manik follows still unsure of his moves...

After reaching near the coach... She asked him to sit...

Manik takes his sit...

Girl: Make yourself comfortable sir...

But the Nervous Manik sits in uneasiness...

Girls turns n walks towards the other door...which is on his left side...

Manik peeks to look at where she is going... But she disappeared behind the door...

But his peeking session gets over.. When he finds other girl standing near him.. Making him turn towards her in jerk...

The girl gets little scared with his gesture but manage to hide it by giving him smile...

She bends towards him.. N pushes tray towards him..

Manik looks at girl's smiling face n then at tray..

N finds a glass of Whisky...

He just sits there still not taking it.. Like he his thinking something... After a minutes he nodds in no saying he dont want it...

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