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Before you read this book you should know about the history of our world. The history of the world defines me and and the way I live. I would not be who I am today if the events I am about to explain to you had never happened.

A war had broken out during the late 2000's, a war that every country was part of. It was obvious to the leaders of the world at this time that drastic changes needed to be made or else the world would no longer be. The leaders were desperate, they were willing to accepts any idea, any idea that would fix the problem at hand.

The fight of the countries (as it was began to be known) was a power struggle. All countries wanted to stronger. They wanted to have the best army, the smarted citizens, the most food and more importantly they wanted the most powerful government.

A young woman came to this group and suggested a plan, a plan that would bring the world together. She suggested that every country should come together to create one giant country. This would bring everyone together, they would soon realize that they are all the same. She suggested instead of having a government that has been elected by the people, the world should be ruled by one person, that we should go back to a monarchy. This way the all the people in the world will not be seperated because of political beliefs. This one ruler would be in charge of the world. Their main responsibility would be to keep peace and to bring everyone together.

The leaders voted in the first ruler (I know, very ironic, voted.) The first leader was a man name David Johnston, he was a short but powerful man, willing to take on the challenges that awaited him.

Slowly the idea of election was forgotten by the people. They loved their one leader. The world came together as one and everyone lived happily ever after.--At least that's what they teach us in school.

I bet you're wondering how this boring history lesson I just gave you defines me. How it made me who I am today. Well, David Johnston is my great, great, great, great, great, great—Well you get the idea, grandfather. My mom is queen and I might be the next in power. The key word there is might. You see there is something else you have to know about me before you continue with the story (yes I know there's a lot.) I have a sister, that's a lie, I have five sisters. Five sister that were born on the same day, same month, and same year as me. We're sextuplets. Yes, that is a word.

We are now all up for the throne. It has been decided that when we turn 19 the people of our country will be allowed to vote for who they want to lead them, they will vote for either me or one of my five sisters. When one of us wins we will be in charge of keeping peace and ruling the entire world.

And trust me the final thing you have to know about me is that I do not want to lead anything.

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