Chapter 7--The Victim

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I've been bedridden all week with a huge fever. I began to wonder if the kiss with Brendan was just something my delusional feverish self made up, but Brendan came to visit my room yesterday. He just walked in like it was no big deal he was here.

“What are you doing here?” I asked.

“Checking on you stupid,” he laughed. “If you die our entire plan is ruined.”

I struggled to get up into sitting position on my bed. I was having some trouble due to the fact that I was seriously sick. Brendan moved closer to me and gently placed me in sitting position. He looked at me and said,

“I really shouldn't kiss a sick person, wouldn't want to get what you caught.”

I'm not going to lie I was disappointed, Brendan was exciting, the only exciting thing that had happened to me all week.

“You're only contagious before you get symptoms of the flu,” I said before I could stop myself. He just laughed.

“That's completely and urban myth.”

“Well so is test failing, and that's true.”

He reached into me and placed his lips gently on mine. This kiss was not as good as the last, not as much passion, but it was still good, very good.

“I've got to go now,” he said after we were done. “I was just supposed to come and check on you, not catch this virus myself.”

And with that he left the room.

My fever's gone now and I'm feeling a lot better, this is good because tomorrow is the interviews. I keep forgetting you don't know what I'm talking about, your not from where I am.

Well the interviews has been planned my entire life. One year before the election my sisters and I have to do a giant interview together, in front of the world. Everyone gets a day off of work to watch this interview, it's important, it should help them decide who they are going to vote for. They should vote for whichever sister has the best political views and who they think will be the best leader. This interview is meant to help them learn more about us, learn more about who they want to lead their country.

I know I'll come across well if I don't get stage fright like I normally do. I have always had a fear of public speaking, since I was a little kid. Every time I went on stage my body would freeze up, I would be unable to move or breathe, then I would usually end up passed out on the floor or running away from the audience.

But if I can conquer my stage fright I know I'll do well. Most of my sisters have not been keeping up with recent political movements like me. While I've been sick I've been online searching the world news. In the castle we very rarely get told about what's going on about the world. We live in our own little bubble.

My sister do not know about the farming crisis in the west that's been going on for months, they do not know about the new tax that's coming into play, saying that if you have more than 4 kids you have to pay an extra 100 dollars a month to the castle and they do not know about all the drugs that have been stolen from hospitals in the south.

I know that if I don't freeze I will do well, I now know how to relate to these people, how to get them to vote for me. My only competition is Bella, she's very good at public speaking and will know the issues well.

Lately I've been thinking about what I'm going to do if I become queen. How will I deal with the failents or my fathers death.

Before the interview I've decided to talk to my mother about my father. I want to find out what she thinks about his death, I want to find out if she knows about the failents.

I knock on the door to her office and I hear her say I can enter. Her office is very modern, each day it has a new theme that is created by lights. Today it's under the water, a theme that involves hologram fish floating around the room.

“Oh, dear god Addie, are you planning on wearing that to the interviews? You still look ridiculously pale. Please tell your makeup artist to fix that when you go down to get your hair done.”

“I will.” I say. I look at my mom, really look at her, would she be responsible for my fathers death?

“Mom,” I ask, “Have you hears any news about dad's killer?”

“No, I haven't, Addie. But the police promised me they will find the killer and I trust them.” There's something about the way she says this that makes me know that she's lying.

“What's going to happen to Sophie, after she did so poorly on the test?” I ask.

“Nothing, if she does not become queen she will get an easy job, like being a janitor.”

“And your O.K, with her being a janitor?” I ask.

“Of course, why are you asking me all of this?”

“No reason just wondering, I have to go get makeup done for the interviews.” I say, and begin leaving.

“Addie, before you leave, you should know that some people do not like people who wonder.”

She looks around the room like saying this scares her. I leave quickly after hearing her say this afraid of what I heard, afraid that maybe I have it wrong. Maybe my mom isn't the bad guy, maybe she's the victim.

Author Note: Sorry again for how late this is, but I hope you enjoy. I'm going to begin going on this site more, I had to leave for a while because of personal issues. But I hope everyone is happy to see Addie back.

Changing TimesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora