Chapter 1-- The Sisters

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I woke up sweating. I was having that nightmare again, the one where I watch my dad die. I watch as he gets shot and blood pours everywhere. In this dream I try to save him but I can't, there are so many people in the crowd watching him die and I just can't get through. I hear him scream my name, “Addie,” and then I wake up. I've been having this dream for a year now, since the day my dad died.

My alarm clock is ringing and I know the only way to stop it is by standing up, so I get out of bed and walk to my closet. The alarm stops leaving me in silence. Leaving me thinking about my dream.

Breakfast is an important time in the mansion. My mom, myself and my sisters are required to dress up for this meal. We have to wear gowns and have our hair perfect. It's stupid.

I bet you're wondering why we have to do this, well our breakfast is filmed live and sent out to the people of the world. They watch us eat. It's really creepy. We are expected to talk about the weather and new advancements in technology. We are expected to be calm and leave the people of our country with a sense of relief, knowing that their country is ruled by such fine people. This never happens. My family is rowdy and we tend to have many arguments at the breakfast table. This has increases our views at least, people tend to find our arguments entertaining.

I open my closet and find a blue gown, it is covered in horrendous sparkles and frills. I've always hated wearing dresses, if I could have it my way I'd wear my pajamas everywhere. I put on the dress and look in the mirror. The dress does not fit me, it's falling off of my thin frame, making me look smaller than I actually am. I'm too lazy to change into another dress, so I begin to work on my hair. My hair is blonde and curly. I bet you're thinking that it must look nice, a curly blonde is always pretty, well it doesn't. I swear my hair has a mind of its own. It's think and bushy and currently it is sticking out at every angle. I braid my hair, like I do everyday, and begin to head down for breakfast. I know I'm going to be the last one there, I always am.

I walk past the ballroom to get to the dining hall and see Jeromy, he's ordering people around and telling them where to put the glasses and chairs. Jeromy sees me and smiles, I've always loved him—as a friend. He's been our head servant since the day I was born.

“You're running late,” he says and then winks.

I just smile and begin to run to the dining hall, I don't want to get into too much trouble.

I arrive just in time for the first course. I waiter hands me a glass of orange juice and someone yells, “filming.” I look across the table at my mother. She has dark brown hair that's wavy, she's beautiful in every way. The public just adores her.

“Is everyone excited for the ball tonight?” mom asks, in a fake voice. Whenever she talks into a camera her voice is different. I look down at my plate. No one expects me to answer, I never do. I'm the “shy” one in my family.

“Yeah, it'll be fine, I guess.” Lauren says. Lauren is my sister and she looks practically identical to my mom. I once saw a picture of my mom when she was my age and I thought it was Lauren.

You'd think sextuplets would look the same, but we don't. We all are extreme opposites. I guess I should describe my sisters to you. As you know, there's six of us, Lauren, Jordan, Bella, Sophie, Madeline and me, Addie. I'm technically the youngest. Jordan is the athlete of the family, she has brown hair and a muscular build. Bella is, in my opinion, the prettiest of my sisters. She has black hair that is perfectly curly, she also is the nicest. Sophie has red hair that goes down to her knees and is second smallest to me. Madeline is kind of chunky and really pale, her hair is white blonde and sometimes I think she might have lupus.

“Mom, why didn't you allow us to go to the fun ball, the one last week with all the senators?” Asks Sophie.

“You aren't ready for it, yet.” Sighs my mom.

The arguing begins as all my sisters protest that statement.

I often feel sorry for my mom, she never wanted sextuplets. She had had trouble getting pregnant and had used a pill that was suppose to increase her chances to give birth, and I guess it worked. We have a minute left of our breakfast program and my mom sends her regards to the people of the south who had just suffered an earthquake. She tells them emergency aid will be coming.

When the program ends my mom begins to yell at us, she tells us that being immature on television will not help our cause and if she had it her way we would not be going to the ball tonight.

All of a sudden Jeromy enters, he looks scared and tired. He's completely out of breath and it takes him a while to tell us what he came here to say.

“You all need to go to the second floor study, now. Some people are here and they have news about Matt.”

Everyone goes quiet for a second, wondering what more could be said about Matt.

Oh and in case you didn't know, Matt is my dad.

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