Chapter 9

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Ruqayyah's POV

The day felt extremely long although I only had two lessons just like yesterday. I didn't stop checking my phone, expecting a call from either my mum or dad. At least from my dad because I am sure my mum will not direct a single word towards me until I reach home this weekend.

"Do you mind?" I wake up from my thoughts when I hear Jess's voice and I find her with the same glare she always directs to me. "You're in front of me and I need to go. Unlike you, I do have important things to do, and just so you know I am not lying, I am going to tell you what those things are, perhaps you'll hurry out of my way faster..."

"I am actually not interes_"

"I'm going out with Alex tonight..."

"I really don't care_"

"And since he doesn't have a roommate, I might even seduce him to let me stay in his dorm. It's gonna be a wild night." She says and for some reason manages to get in my nerves.

I hurriedly grab my backpack and rush out of the room. I really liked sociology last year, but with Jess as my desk partner, I don't think I like it as much now.

As I leave the room, I noticed Turker following my every move with his eyes until I finally exited the room. No wonder they are siblings, they are both very intrusive.

Arrgh, you shouldn't be thinking like that Ruqayyah.

What part of what she said managed to change my whole mood? Because right now I'm upset.

"Ruqayyah, wait!" Bianca reaches me and rests her hands on her knees, breathing heavily, "Damn girl, you walk way too fast. Ever considered becoming an athlete?" She says still finding it hard to breath, "Let's go, I'll drive you to the dorms."

"No, it's alright, I'll walk."

"Then I'll walk with you ."

"What about your car?"

"I'll come back and get it later."

"Ruqayyah!" I hear someone yell my name and both I and Bianca turn back to find Aisha.

"I finally managed to leave the class on time, let's go." She says as she wraps her arm around mine.

"Excuse me, human, I don't know if you realised but she was going to walk with me." Bianca wraps her arm around my other arm.

"Oh, really? You'll have to leave it for another day because today she is going in the car with me." Aisha argues.

"Who do you think you are? Aren't you happy enough with what you've done last year!" Bianca screams.

She has a very short amount of patience.

"You and Youssef got drunk yourselves, I wasn't even there!" Aisha screams back.

"You know I'm not talking about that. You ruined my life and I'm not going to let you do the same to Ruqayyah." Bianca lets go of my arm and stands in front of Aisha, confronting her.

"I haven't done anything," Aisha was already in tears as she lowered her voice like a lost puppy. I had to interfere.

"Okay, let's stop this. I'm sorry Bianca, we will walk another day alright?" I tell her and she glares at Aisha before walking off.

"She hates me so much, I don't even know understand why." Aisha cries and I hug her in order to comfort her.

"Don't worry, it will be okay."

"Everybody hates me. I just want everything back to normal." She sobs.

"I don't hate you. I am your friend and in shaa Allah this will last even after college." I say assuringly and part from the hug to give her a smile and wipe her tears. "Now let's go, I will drive."

HIJABI ✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora