Chapter 20

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Ruqayyah's POV

"No, we are not getting married and nothing is going on between us, so whatever you've heard is a lie," Alex finally speaks up, but that only made the guys laugh.

"You? Hanging out with a girl for more than a week without taking her to bed? Who do you think you are kidding?" Mail says and laughs along with the group.

"I'm warning you!" Alex takes a step closer towards Mail, but I didn't stay to watch the full scene, I just walked off towards my psychology class.

I don't think I can take it any longer. I am almost certain that whoever sent the messages to my mum also spread this rumours. But how would they know? I'm so frustrated. And what Mail just said about Alex, is it true? Did he really sleep with every girl he's been with? Is he just with me because of that? I knew Alex wasn't an angel, but I never thought he could be like those type of guys. To be honest with myself, I was beginning to like him. For real. Maybe I already do, but I was beginning to admit it to myself. But now the least I wanna do is admit I'm falling for Alex. One thing I am sure about is, I am not going to be easy on him anymore. I thought I knew him, but I sure don't. I feel like there's still a lot to find out.

What if he's just like his dad?

Maybe I'm over reacting, but I can't have a logical thinking like this. My mum is in my mind, Dawud is in my mind and now these rumours, Alex... I need a break. I just need a time away from this environment.

"Are you okay?" Bianca sits next to me.

"Yes," I force a very weak smile.

"Were you crying?"

"Don't worry about it... just something in my eyes."

"Are you sure? Doesn't look like it was something in your eyes. Is it because of the rumours? I heard some students talk about it. Believe me, I did not tell anyone."

"I believe you," I state and she pulls me for a hug.

"I want to see you smile for the rest of the class, better to look creepy than sad. I'll be making sure you are smiling," She says gaining an honest smile from me.

Alex sits in front of me and Bianca, and I pretend didn't even notice him look at me. I bring my psychology books out of my bag and onto the table.

"Good night everyone!" Youssef greets as he sits next to Alex, "No teacher today?"

"You know he be coming late and then flips on us if we come late," Bianca answers before turning to look at me and I soon give her a smile because I knew that's what she wanted.

"What do you mean he? Aren't we supposed to have Mrs Fatima now?" Youssef asks.

"No, we are having Mr Jim, apparently Mrs Fatima can't make it today." Bianca explains.

"Have you been crying?" Youssef asks sitting backwards to face me.

Is it that obvious?

"It's just something in her eyes," Bianca answers for me and I thank her mentally.

"Yeah and guess what? I was born yesterday." Youssef says sarcastically and Bianca rolls her eyes, "What happened?" He asks me.

"Nothing! Why is everybody asking me the same thing? I am okay!" I say but soon regret it because I should not have expressed my anger on him, "I'm sorry, I just don't want to talk." 

"What have you done?" Youssef turns to Alex.

"What makes you think it was me?" Alex says defensively.

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