Chapter 1

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I hope you enjoy this new book I've been working really hard on it😀


9 years it has taken me to become the agent I am today. Well, I guess you wouldn't really call me an agent, I'm more of an assassin. I don't normally go on all the typical missions as the usual agents. I've been an agent/assassin for 7 years, well in a few weeks I try 22 so then it will be 7 years.

Agents at Red Cipher tell me I'm different because I have no fears. The others agents have at least one fear and that's of dying and not being able to go home to their families. They all have one thing in common families something I don't have, therefore I wouldn't have a fear of not being able to get back to them.

Growing up at Red Cipher all the kids enrolled had to stay in forms. Once we became agents at the age of 15 we could move out and be placed with a family of agents. We are allowed to choose to stay at Red Cipher but we could only stay for two years after we turned 15. By staying for two more years we could move out on our own.

I chose to stay two years after I turned 15 just so I wouldn't be placed with agents who could tell me what to do. If you couldn't tell already I hate being told what to do. I'll tell you right now that growing up at Red Cipher was difficult as fuck, I had no say In what I could do. There was no time for playing or friend making, well at least those were the rules for all the assassins. The other agents got a few minutes to play and make friends but us assassin's didn't do anything but train and learn.

Many Agents at Red Cipher have friends that they walk around with, go to parties and have nice cookouts with each other.

I have nobody I tend to keep to my self since I grew up not being allowed to have friends along with all the other trained assassin's. It doesn't matter to me because it's easier to not have to worry about putting them in danger or worrying about if they are laying in a ditch..dead.

"Keira!" The head of the agency shouts through the phone. I wipe the sleep from my eyes glancing at the clock my eyes widen at the time, shit it's 11:30 I'm beyond late.

"Are you listening to me!" He yells.

"I overslept but I'll be there soon" I hang up before he could reply. I jump out of bed tripping over my shoe face planting the ground. Shit could today get any worse?

You have no idea what I went through on the way to Red Cipher. I hit a skunk, had to smell that nasty smell. I also got pulled over earning myself a ticket for speeding.

When I get to Manny's office I see a few other agents waiting for me. Manny gave me a glare as I took a seat.

"Now that everybody is here I would like to proceed with assigning this mission to all four of you," Manny says looking me in the eye the entire time he spoke. Just great a fucking group mission. Which means I have to socialize! I work better alone and he knows that.

Manny knows exactly what I was thinking because he gave me a deal with it look. I roll my eyes as I grab the file from the person next to me.

"Are you serious Raiden fucking Scott!" the women next to me screeched in fear closing the file really fast.

"Damn did you have to do that in my fucking ear" I glare at the agent to my right making her flinch.

I open the file skimming through it even though I already knew what was in it. Raiden Scott the leader of the most powerful and biggest gang ever recorded around the whole world.

The Night Bloods are known for leaving their victim's blood behind at the crime scene but the bodies are never found.

Red Cipher just recently found out that Raiden is the leader of the Night Bloods. Four years it has taken them to find out it was him. It took me half a month to figure out who the leader was.

I know what you must be thinking why the fuck did I not tell Manny I found out who the leader of the most gang was. I guess you would say I wanted them to suffer on not knowing who the leader was. I also wanted to see how long it would take them.

If Manny found out that I already knew who the leader is I would be in a world of shit for not telling anyone I knew and for digging around in a case that didn't belong to me.

The mission is to find out more about them and after we get the information I get to kill Raiden which I'm excited for. I close the file chuckling. I get a weird look from everyone in the room.

"What's so funny Agent Stone?" Manny asks. I give him a sickly sweet smile that was obviously fake.

"Only the fake that you think Raiden will let the four of us into his gang or should I say army" gave me a suspicious look he must not believe me.

Raiden has more than 5 thousand men in his gang if that's not what you'd call an army than I don't know what is.

"He will let you in your are trained by Red Cipher and you Agent stone are trained by me your skills will surely get you in even if the others don't you surely will and you will proceed with the mission on your own you hear me so don't you ever doubt my plan again Stone!" Manny was speaking in a low voice clearly offended by what I said. I roll my eyes he has no idea how wrong he is.

"Surely we will" I stand up walking out of the room. Talk about mission fucking impossible.

We were allowed two days to prepare for the undercover mission. We have no clue when the mission will end.

For the mission, my name is Keira Thatcher. When agents are sent undercover Red Cipher only changes our last names so its easier for us. I think its easier for them because they have so many agents going undercover so they only bother with our last name. The people who run Red Cipher a lazy as fuck.

The Agent With No Fears ✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon