Chapter 9

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Raiden's point of view

I still couldn't wrap my head around what Keira told me at the park yesterday. I can't imagine how her life has been. Assassinating people since the age of 15.

Gang leaders who have been raised in the gang since birth have probably started killing way before that but I wasn't born into this life I took over for a family friend when he told me he could only trust me to be a better leader.

I'm not a cruel and heartless leader like many other gang leaders out there. I'm only heartless when I'm out on the field for missions with my gang. I keep my gang life and private life separate I don't bring the anger home with me I leave it at the gang house. It wasn't always like that though. Before Keira came into my life I couldn't shake the feeling of anger, everywhere I went anger followed.

Keira is full of anger poking her in the wrong spot makes her go up in flames. It's hard not to let the anger consume and control you. I can tell that she is working on thinking differently on most of the things Red Cipher has taught.

I'm ripped out of my thoughts when Keira wakes up screaming. She tightly shuts her eyes breathing deeply.

"You ok?" I place my hand on her. Keira jerks away from me.

"I'm fine"

"Your lying to me. You know I don't like it when you lie to me, love" I cup the side of her face. This time she doesn't jerk away from me she leans into my touch.

"Sorry for lying it's just that I don't want to talk about it" she opens her eyes looking up at me. Her blue eyes always seem to draw me in and before I know it I'm trapped in her gaze.

She looks away not able to look at me anymore. I sigh before laying down next to her. I put my face in her neck inhaling her sweet scent.

Keira's point of view

I pull away from Raiden in a daze. I can't stop thinking about that family and how I destroyed it. I promised my self that I would never think about it but there is just something about Raiden that makes me want to tell him everything.

I walk to the door with my head down. I slowly make my way towards the kitchen. I make myself some hot tea before I sit at the table looking out the window. The leaves are changing colors and many leaves have already fallen from the tree now littering the streets.

I close my eyes shoving the pain deep down inside. I open my eyes feeling better. No more pain no more worries.

I finish my tea before I raced up the stairs. I bump into Raiden on the way up nearly knocking myself back down the stairs. Raiden grabs my waist keeping me from falling.


"Quite running up and down the stairs before you get hurt" he gives me a playful glare.


"Ok but let's see how you feel after you fall down the stairs" Raiden let go of my waist. I feel myself falling but at the last second Raiden caught me laughing at my shriek when he let me go.

"You're an asshole" I glare hitting his chest.

"Aw, love it hurts me to think that you would actually believe I would drop you and purposefully hurt you" he pouts.

"I don't like you" I glare climbing up the rest of the stairs.

"Of course you don't like me you love me!" Raiden shouts after me. I ignore him because we both know it's true.

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