Chapter 13

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I throw a shirt on that I found in my bag before I turned back to Raiden.

"I think I like you better with your shirt off" Raiden placed a kiss on my collarbone.

"I think I like you better when you're not anywhere near me," I say pushing him away.

"Ok fine I'll be leaving then" he starts heading to the door.

"What no I was kidding," I say grabbing his hand as he reached for the door.

"Nope too late" I wrap my arms around his body resting my head on his chest.

"Alright I'm staying" he wraps his arms around me carefully so he didn't hurt me.

"Thanks for the bobby pin" I look up at him.

"I thought you would have found it earlier but I'm just glad that you found it before they could do any more damage"

"Yeah, I found it a few minutes before Rodney came into the room" Raiden raised an eyebrow at me.

"We switched places he was very kind and didn't put up a fight"

"Was he knocked out?" Raiden chuckled.

"Yeah but he didn't put up much of a fight before that either"

"He probably didn't see it coming" I nod my head in agreement.

I unwrap my arms from around Raiden. I grab his hand lacing our fingers together. I pull him out of the room with me as we make our way downstairs.

"Keira guess what!" Liberty shoots bouncing over to me.

"What?" I lean against Raiden when I began to feel exhausted from the amount of blood I lost from the past three weeks.

"Raiden let me invite over my friend and he's coming over in a few minutes"

"He? you didn't tell me it was a boy," Raiden said I hit Raiden on the chest.

"You never asked" she smirked before walking away.

"Ha, she told you" I chuckle walking away as well.

"I don't like you two!" he shouts after us.

I find Haven in the kitchen with my brother. I wrap my arm around her shoulder causing her to jump a little.

"I see someone finally kicked your ass" Jaxon laughed.

"I was beaten not able to fight back dumbass" I send him a glare.

"Damn all right don't attack me" he held his hands up in surrender.

I roll my eyes going to sit at the table. Jaxon and Haven sit down in chairs across from me.

"So I heard you're coming to the dinner tomorrow" I shrug at Haven.

"Do you know what dress your gonna wear?" Haven asked leaning closer.

"Nah I'll just find something... wait who said I was wearing a dress!" I shout.

"Ever girl wears a dress to these sort of things" she laughs.

"Bitch does this look like a face that wants to wear a dress?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Raiden!" Keira shouts.

"What?" he comes strolling into the room.

"She's refusing to wear a dress" Haven whines throwing her head down on the table.

"Love, you only have to wear the dress for a few hours" I groan leaning my head on the palm of my hand.

"The colors for this year are Black or a navy blue," Raiden says sitting the chair next to me.

"I already have your dress in my car I'll go get it!" she jumps from her chair running out the door.

"Why she that happy?" I asked with scrunched up eyebrows.

"She has always loved these things" Jaxon laughs shaking his head.

Haven comes back in with a black bag. She opens the bag revealing a red dress.

"Are you fucking colored blind" I laughed.

"What no"

"Bitch that's a burgundy dress"

"Since when do you follow rules?" she says. I glare at her.

"Hey I follow rules your just not around when I do"

"I would've believed you if it wasn't for the fact that I know you Keira"

"The sad part is that I believed myself" I chuckled shaking my head.

"Oh come on your wearing this dress" she shoves the dress at me.


"I will personally shove you into this dress myself if you don't wear this" she gave me a stern look.

"Damn alright but don't expect me to be happy about it" I drop the dress on the table.

"Raiden can we have pizza for dinner?" Liberty walks into the room with a boy.

"If that's what you want then sure I'll make your pizza"

"Great, this is my friend, Connor" she motions to the boy who was clearly shy.

"Well, Connor it's nice to meet you in Keira" I hold my hand out for him to shake. He stepped closer grabbing my hand giving it a firm shake.

"Nice to see you again Connor" Raiden gave him a fist bump. They ran from the room holding hands.

Raiden started making the pizza as Haven and I went to my room to put my dress away. We spent most of the night in my room throwing random objects at each other.

I pick the remote up throwing it in her direction. She moves out of the way just as the door opened. The remote hit Raiden in the chest.

I bite my lip as Raiden looked up from the spot where the remote hit him.

"I'm just gonna pretend that didn't happen" he sent me a wink.

"Hey that wasn't meant for you" I smile.

"Sure it wasn't"

Raiden tells us dinner is done so I push Haven out of my way as I pushed past Raiden. I run to the stairs. I get onto the railing and take that down the stairs.

I run to the Kitchen with Raiden and Haven just now teaching the stairs. I sit down in a chair out of breath. Haven and Raiden walk into the room.

"Ha I beat you guys"

"That's because you ran" Haven hands me a plate with two pizzas on it.

"Hey, I used the railing to get down the stairs so technically I didn't run the whole way" I bite into my pizza.

"I was wondering how you got down the stairs so fast but I just thought you fell then bolted here" Raiden laughs taking the empty seat next to me.

"I fell down the stairs one time but that was because I ran into Liberty" I huffed.

"Yeah she ran into me," Liberty says backing me up. Raiden rolled his eyes.

The Agent With No Fears ✔जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें