Contusion Lauren vs Subconscious Lauren Pt.6

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Narrator's POV

Before Camila knew it, she was blind folded, tied up, and thrown into a van. And honestly, the whole experience didn't get easier for her the second time. It felt so real all over again. But that's thanks to Dinah's gift of pranking. She was an expert but the thing that freaked Camila out the most was that it was Lauren who had originally planned this, not Dinah. However, the fact that Dinah did plan this one, did not make things easier either. She was a mastermind. She craved the fear she brought upon her victims. And this time Camila was one of them.

Throughout the whole car ride, Camila was surrounded by the sound of giggles and threatening whispers from her band mates who played along with the scene. It was when she heard Dinah's threatening whispers when she swore she was on the verge of peeing her pants.

"There's so many things I want to do to you..." Dinah said in a deep unrecognizable voice.

"Dinah....Stop it you're really scaring me." Camila whined.

"Who's Dinah? God she's going crazy guys we really need to put her out of her misery..." Dinah continued.

Camila felt a cold shiver run through her as her body trembled in absolute fear. "Seriously, stoooop."Camila whined again.

"Stop? Hear that guys? She wants us to stop her life. What do you guys think?" Mani played along in a deep voice.

Oh no not you too... Camila thought.

"I think I need to have my way with her first." Dinah said.

In response to Dinah's "joke" Lauren burst out in laughter, "Oh m-my god you did not just say that."

"Shh Laurenza! Stay in character." Dinah whispered.

"Right...sorry..." She said in between laughs.

"I hate that you guys are enjoying this." Camila pouted.

Then suddenly Camila felt fingers run gentle circles around her fore arm. "You sure do complain a lot for someone who's under a kidnappers control..." Dinah continued her evil teasing.

Camila's arm had a spasm. "Dinah...please stooop." She pleaded.

"God I really don't know who this Dinah person is but she sounds hot, she a friend of yours?" Dinah asked.

"Yeah, an annoying one." Camila spit.

Dinah scoffed. " Considering I'm your kidnapper, I think you should watch what you say." Dinah growled.

Dinah's new dominant violent behavior was scaring Camila. She's never heard such things come out of the taller girl's mouth. Yes, Dinah was violent but most of the time it was unintentional and she was kidding. However this time, no such thing was evident in her tone.

"Dinaaaah....please I promise..... I promise..." Camila thought. "I promise to let you listen to Beyoncé when we're in the same room for as long as you want for a week, in exchange for my freedom?"

They all laughed at her.

"Oh my god you really are scared." Mani laughed.

"I think that's enough D." Lauren said.

"No! but that's the whole point she's supposed be scared." Dinah whined at the end.

"Come on, you know you're only doing this for you're own personal enjoyment." Mani said.

"Ugh. But-"

"Dinah..." Lauren said in a scolding tone.

"Fine, but make that two weeks and you got a deal." Dinah offered.

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