(2) Severus Snape and the Infuriating Four

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All rights belong to the author, Parvx

Time seemed to fly by and soon enough Harry, Ron and Hermione were on their way to the fourth floor where they had agreed to meet Draco. Hermione told them that she was only going so she could make sure that Malfoy didn't twist rules and that they didn't agree to anything that would make Merlin himself roll around in his grave. Secretly, she was very interested and excited about this competition, if she wasn't so scared about getting expelled she may even agree to join in. Although not many knew of it, she was easily one of the most competitive people in her year, hence why she tried so hard to be better than everyone at basically everything.

"Ah, Potter and your two sidekicks. I didn't think you were brave enough to actually show up." Draco said with a sneer as he watched the trio enter the room.

"Shut up, Malfoy. Let's do what we came here to do, the rules. I can't wait until we win this thing so that we won't have to hear your rather squeaky voice ever again" Ron retorted feeling proud about his comeback to Malfoy.

Draco decided against responding to what the Weasel said and opted to glare at him. He needed to get Granger into this.

"Granger, are you sure you don't want to join? You wouldn't get caught, you're too smart" Draco decided that he needed to compliment her to soften her up a bit, or else she would automatically say no to everything he said.

"Yeah Hermione, please join in, then we'd have three of us, three chances to win and then we'd never have to talk or listen to Malfoy again." Harry said trying to appeal to the logical side of her. He wished she'd join, it would be fun to see what she would come up with.

"We need you, 'Mione" Ron added in.

Hermione really did want to join. She thought to herself that she was too smart to get caught in any major prank that involved a pranking product. She has already proved that she is the brightest witch in her year, and it was getting kind of boring. She wanted to excel at something that Harry and Ron would envy her for, so why not make that pranking? She was, after all, sorted into Gryffindor rather than Ravenclaw. Plus, someone would need to keep an eye on Harry and Ron so that they didn't actually do something that would get them expelled.

She huffed, trying to sound like she didn't actually want to do this. "Fine, I'll do it. But only so that I can watch over you idiots so that you don't do something that'll actually get you expelled." She said motioning to Harry and Ron who snickered at that.

Yes! Draco was so pleased with himself, how had he managed to coax them into this? Draco felt like he would be able to convince the Dark Lord himself to become a ballet dancer dressed in a tutu instead of starting a war should he come back. His father would be so proud.

"Perfect. So let's start by creating the layout of the competition." Draco said taking the lead. "I reckon that every time one of us pulls off a good prank the person gets a point."

"Hold on. Who decides what a good prank is? I think we should have a middle-person decide, someone who isn't taking part in the competition. Someone who we trust and who is in our potions class." Hermione stated. She could tell that Draco was already making rules that could easily be abused. Not on her watch.

Draco sighed, he knew that she wasn't going to make this easy. "Fine, Granger. Who do you suggest should be the judge?"

"How about Neville Longbottom? Don't worry about favouritism, he's probably too scared of you to not give you a point."

"Yeah but what if he just gives us points because he's scared not to?" Harry asked earnestly.

"Hm, I suppose we could all pull off our pranks and then Neville decides which one gets the point rather than giving a point for every prank." Hermione said logically.

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