Okay. Someone Said I should At Least Try to Name Stuff. But Not Today

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They met with a clash of metal, the girl dodging Percy's strike and rolling out of the way, slamming her elbow into his kneecap.

Percy pretended to be injured and fell, blocking the strike to his face with a dagger.

Andromeda leaped back and watched him warily, green eyes on her opponent.

Percy smiled and lunged, throwing a pair of blades hidden in his boot.

Andromeda did a backflip, kicking Percy in the chin as she avoided the knives.

All this in ten seconds.

Percy spun, Andromeda leaping like a high jump athlete over his blade, before delivering a painful looking blow to his shoulder with the but of her sword.

They backed off, watching.

The entire audience was waiting with baited breath, several guardians who Nat suspected were well aware of the identity of Andromeda's opponent, were cheering for the girl.

Percy looked at this in mock betrayal and Andromeda took the chance and lunged, nearly slicing open Percy's throat.

Percy dodged and delivered a painful punch to her stomach, leaving her gasping.

Only for Marc to be slammed into by a stream of water coming from the cooler.

Well, it tried to hit the disguised god, but it stopped in midair, swirling around him like a loving pet.

He raised his hand and it fell.

Andromeda gasped as Percy helped her to her feet. "What just happened?"

"Well trying to impale myself with ice definitely wasn't my idea so that means your-"

A glowing green trident appeared over Andromeda's head.

"Hail, Andromeda Marshall! Daughter of Poseidon!" A demigod yelled as the claim faded.

"Little sister!"

The stunned demigod was suddenly hugged by 'Marc' who for some reason now had black hair and sea green eyes.


"Oh, sorry. Percy Jackson. Leader of the Guardians and your big brother."


He sighed. "I'm Perseus."

She immediately tried to bow but  Percy wouldn't let her. "Its alright. We're family. I'm going to show you how to use your powers and be the best swordsman out there."

"Oh gods, there's two of them." Clarisse said.

Percy's eyes narrowed and the clouds darkened. Rain began to pour, pelting the lieutenant with small pieces of hail.

The rest of the Guardians laughed as she ran for it.

"What kind of powers, if I may ask, Lord Perseus.

"Our father is the Storm Bringer, Earthshaker and Father of horses. We can bring rain, hurricanes, shake the earth and speak to any equine or sea creature. We can breath underwater and control it to our will. It can even bring us back from the brink of death. Well, it can bring you back from death. Anyways, we'll start with talking to horses and water balloon fights. You know, without the balloons."

The guardians and Campers laughed at her expression when faced with the prospect of training under her older immortal brother.

Nat smiled. Siblings reunited. Families made. Oaths remembered. This world of theirs seemed perfect.

The Day Mortals Met The God PerseusKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat